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Tuesday, 11.50

He showed up at Harry's house ten minutes early, considering he had made him late yesterday. Harry came out, looking like a thunder cloud. Someone was in a bad mood. Wasn't dates supposed to be fun?
"Hi, Harry."

"Hi, Louis. Let's just get this over with." Harry muttered and got in the backseat and slammed the door.

Mood. Louis was confused. Why did he agree to a date he obviously didn't want to attend? He was a famous musician for crying out loud. Women must be standing in line for a chance to date him.

He hurried to get behind the wheel and drove him to the restaurant. When they arrived twenty paparazzi were waiting for them. Harry let out a deep sigh and Louis furrowed his eyebrows. Harry waited in the car for his bodyguards. Louis thought that the silence between them was getting awkward.
"Ehm, good luck out there."

"I'm gonna need it." Harry grunted and added.
"Just wait for me. This won't take long."

That was what he said yesterday.
"Sure." Louis agreed.

A bodyguard opened the passenger door and Harry took a deep breath before he got out of the car. Louis could see camera flashes go off and it almost blinded him. Two bodyguards helped Harry get inside.


He was just about to destroy a friend's village in Coin master when the back door opened and Harry threw himself inside.

He almost dropped his phone in surprise and put it in the passenger seat and started the car. He looked at Harry through the rear-view window as soon as he was on the road. He looked miserable.
"Are you okay?"

Harry met his eyes and smiled sadly.

He didn't sound convincing but Louis didn't want to come off as nosy.
"Where do you wanna go?"

"Just...can we drive around for a while? I need to collect myself." Harry sighed and rubbed his face in frustration.

"Of course." Louis agreed.

They drove around aimlessly. All that was heard was Harrys deep sighs. Louis decided that he at least had to try and cheer him up. He turned the radio and smirked. Bobby McFerrin's Don't worry be happy was playing and he cranked up the volume and started to wail.
"Oooo ooo oooo oooo oooo, don't worry...ooo ooo oooo ooooh, be happy, ooo oo oooo oooo."

Harry started to giggle.

"Come on Harry! You know this one!" Louis shouted.

Harry laughed and started to sing along.
"Louder!" Louis shouted and soon they were both wailing and singing from the top of their lungs. Maybe Louis should feel self-conscious about singing with an award-winning singer but he just enjoyed making Harry laugh.

When the song ended Harry was still smiling.
"I needed that. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Ready to go home?" Louis asked.


Ten minutes later he drove up to Harry's house.
"Same time tomorrow. Oh, and Louis? You have a lovely singing voice." Harry said before he got out of the car.

Louis's mouth fell open. That was a compliment he hadn't expected.

Wednesday, 11.46

"How are you today?" Harry asked as he entered the car.

"I'm good. You?" Louis replied.

"Fine." Harry answered automatically. Louis glanced at him through the rear-view mirror. He said that he was fine when he cried the other day as well. That seemed to be his standard answer.

Louis had seen photos from yesterday. It was all over the internet. Harry Styles on a date with a supermodel. Lots of photos of them. Considering how little time Harry spent with that woman in that restaurant they couldn't even have eaten something. Something smelled fishy, but it wasn't his business. He was just the driver.

They arrived at a coffee shop and Harry once again waited for his bodyguards to come get him. Louis looked out the window to find the street filled with paparazzi. Why was Harry doing this? It felt so tacky.

Harry sighed and put a piece of gum in his mouth.
"This will only take five minutes."

The door was opened by one of the bodyguards and Harry got out. Louis stared. He couldn't help it. He wanted to see what was going on. The same woman from the pictures he looked at yesterday was standing on the sidewalk. Harry walked up to her and Louis gasped in surprise when Harry wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, while the paps were going crazy with their cameras.

Five minutes later Harry was back in the car.

Harry was upset again and Louis wanted to ask what the hell was going on but that wasn't his place. Then it hit him. Was this one of those stunt things he read about? He snorted and rolled his eyes. Why the hell would Harry Styles sink that low? It was a cheap trick, and for what?

He heard a gasp from the back seat and looked in the rear-view mirror. Harry was staring angrily at him. He looked offended.
"Do you think I choose this?"

Louis was taken back by that.
"You didn't?"

"I have no choice. You're so fucking naive. Stop judging me." Harry said.

"I'm sorry. Explain it to me." Louis said softly, feeling like a douche.

"I already said too much. Just take me home." Harry sighed.

Ten minutes later they arrived at Harry's house and Harry got out and slammed the door without saying goodbye. Louis watched him leave. He had a lump in his stomach. Harry was clearly upset with him. He didn't like it. He had to do some serious research as soon as he got home. Something wasn't adding up.

Driving Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now