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Harry woke up early, totally jet-lagged. He sighed but got out of bed and took a shower. After he had dried his hair and gotten dressed he walked to the kitchen. He glanced out the window just to find the pool house dark. He decided to make some breakfast for him and Louis. He had a lot to make up for after he made a complete ass out of himself and offered himself to his driver like some desperate slut. He preferred to not think about it. It was too embarrassing. Louis had handled it like a gentleman though. He was glad that he hadn't taken him up on his offer. Drunken sex was never a hit and it would complicate things. It was too bad. Louis was so freaking hot, and nice and funny. He was crushing badly on him but that was something he kept to himself. It would go away.

He looked in the fridge to see what the company he had hired to grocery shop for him had actually bought, even if he had made a list. He was pleased to find it fully stocked.

He made a fruit salad and some toast, fried some eggs and bacon, and made some tea. That would have to do. He put everything on a tray and walked out to the patio and put it down on the table. He only hesitated for a second before he walked over to the pool house and knocked on the door.

He waited a while before he knocked again, louder this time, calling out Louis's name once more. He heard swearing and Louis walking towards the door. He opened it and Harry took in his features. His hair was messy, he was only wearing boxers and he looked tired, like he just woke up.
"Hi Harry, I overslept, didn't I? Give me a second to get dressed and I'll drive you where ever you have to be. You won't be late, right? I'm sorry." He rambled and dragged a hand through his hair, flexing his abs.

Harry gulped but tried to act unaffected.
"No rush. I made us breakfast. Ehm, take your time. I set it up out on the patio." Shit! Why did he have to blush?

"Oh, that's sweet. Just give me five minutes." Louis smiled and closed the door.

Harry forced himself to go back to the patio and take a seat. Seeing Louis half-naked hadn't exactly helped his attraction towards him. He poured himself a cup of tea. Ten minutes later Louis emerged from the pool house. His hair was wet and he was dressed. He walked over to where Harry was sitting.
"You made this?"

"It's just eggs and bacon and it's probably cold now." Harry smiled.

"I can't cook at all so I'm impressed." Louis grinned and took a seat.

Harry shot him a dimpled smile and Louis had to blink a couple of times to collect himself. That smile should be illegal. Harry poured him some tea and they dug in on the food.
"So do you have somewhere you have to be today? I haven't received a driver's schedule as I had in London." Louis said.

"Oh, I'll make sure to get you one but it's quite simple. Today I just have a short meeting with my label. Tomorrow and almost every day after that I'm going to the studio between nine and five. You have the day to yourself in between. There's an award show I have to attend in two months but that's about it. I have to focus on writing my new album." Harry informed him.

"Okay, cool." Louis replied.

They finished breakfast and Louis helped Harry clean up before Harry took him to the garage. Louis's eyes grew wide when he saw his collection of cars.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I like cars." Harry said with a shoulder shrug.

"And still, you have a fucking driver. Not that I'm complaining. So, which one are we gonna take?" Louis asked.

"You can choose." Harry smiled.

Louis immediately pointed at the Porshe and Harry went to get the keys and tossed them over. Louis unlocked it and they got inside. He started it and ran the engine, pressing on the gas pedal a couple of times.
"You're like a kid on Christmas." Harry laughed.

"My birthday is on the 24th! I am a child of Christmas. I thought everyone hung their Christmas lights just for me when I was a kid." Louis grinned.

"In that case..." Harry said and pressed a button and the roof came off.

Louis gave him an excited smile before he drove off.
"You have to guide me. I have no idea where we're going."

"Turn left at the next intersection." Harry answered.

They arrived twenty minutes later and Harry told him that the meeting would last an hour. As soon as Harry was inside the building Louis picked up his phone and googled the nearest grocery store. Eggs and bacon in all its glory, but he needed his cereals in the morning. He found one five minutes away and drove there to do a little grocery shopping.

He spent half an hour inside trying to find his favorite brand of cereals and tea without success and ended up buying something else. He went back to pick up Harry with ten minutes to spare and stepped out to take a smoke as soon as he had parked the car.

Harry was in time for once. Those meetings with his label and management seemed horrible. Harry was actually smiling this time.
"Good meeting?" Louis asked as he put out his cigarette.

"Yes. So, what do you wanna do now?" Harry asked.

"I'm kind of jet-lagged. What do you say about spending the day at your house? Maybe use that pool of yours?" Louis suggested.

"That sounds perfect." Harry agreed and got in the car.

Louis drove them back to Harry's place. He unloaded his groceries and changed into his skin trunks. They spent the whole day by the pool. Harry made them a pasta salad for lunch and they barbecued for dinner.

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