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Yesterday had been absolutely amazing. Louis knew there was something between them, this spark that was hard to ignore but he tried his best to do just that. First of all, he worked for Harry. Second of all, Harry was really famous. That was complicated. He was just a regular guy from Doncaster. Thirdly, Harry was closeted. How would that even work? Sure, he could give in and sleep with him but he wasn't sure that it would be a one-time thing, and then what?

He drove Harry to the studio the next morning and then he hit the city, just driving around for hours to get a feel of the place. He was afraid to leave Harry's Porshe unattended as well. What if someone stole it or trashed it? He would choose another car the next day. Nevertheless, he had a great time and the hours just flew by and before he knew it he had to pick up Harry.

"Did you have a good first writing session?" He asked as soon as Harry got in the car.

"It was alright. We threw a couple of ideas around, Mitch and I. That's my guitarist. I know what sound I want but I have to find the inspiration for the lyrics." Harry answered.

"I thought that was what Camille was for." Louis smirked.

"Please!" Harry grunted.

Louis burst out laughing and Harry followed.
"What inspired your first album?" Louis asked.

"A bad break-up. Partying too much. That sort of shit." Harry chuckled.

"I'm sorry." Louis said softly.

"It's okay. I'm over it." Harry smiled.

"Good. I hope you'll find the inspiration you need for this album." Louis said and glanced at Harry.

"Yeah, me too. Enough about me. What did you do today?" Harry asked.

"I just drove around." Louis replied.

"What? You didn't make a stop somewhere?" Harry wondered.

"I was afraid to leave the car. What if someone took it?" Louis said with a sheepish smile.

Harry cackled loudly and clasped a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound.
"I don't care. It's just a car, but we can take another one tomorrow, less steal friendly."

"I'd like that." Louis smiled.

They had arrived at Harry's place and Louis parked the car in the garage and got out.
"Pool?" He asked.

"Why not. Order take out?" Harry questioned.

"Well, you don't want me to cook, trust me. Chinese?" Louis asked.

"Just because you said that I demand that you cook me a proper meal someday soon." Harry smirked.

"Oh, you demand?" Louis questioned and raised an eyebrow looking amused.

"Ehm, I ask nicely?" Harry giggled.

"That's better. I can cook but you're gonna regret it." Louis chuckled.

"You can't be that bad." Harry argued.

"Suit yourself." Louis said and headed to the pool house to change into his swim trunks.

Harry changed as well and they met up by the pool and jumped in. They started a water fight and they were both laughing out loud.
"I give up!" Harry shouted after a while.

They got up and laid down on the chairs by the pool to let the sun dry them. Louis closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm weather, feeling the sun kiss his skin. They laid in silence for a while. Then Louis's stomach made a sound and he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Harry just to find him already looking at him.
"I'm getting hungry."

Harry reached for his phone and pulled out a menu for the nearest Chinese restaurant that delivered and gave it to Louis so he could choose what he wanted to eat. They called in their order and stayed where they were while they waited for the food to arrive.

Thirty minutes later Harry unpacked the boxes on the coffee table in the living room.
"I think it's time." He said.

"Time for what?" Louis asked in confusion.

"For you to watch the notebook." Harry smiled.

Louis shrugged his shoulders.
"I can watch it. Just because it's your favorite."

Harry rolled his eyes at him and went to fetch the movie. They dug in on the good as soon as he had pressed play. They didn't talk much during the film, mostly because Louis was really into it. When the end credits started to roll he was bawling his eyes out.
"Oh my God. That was heartbreaking but so beautiful."

"I know. I can only hope to find a love like that one day." Harry sighed while he dried his cheeks to get rid of the tears.

"Yeah. So how many times have you seen this?" Louis asked while he tried to compose himself, getting rid of the evidence of his tears.

"I don't know. Too many times to keep track but I cry every time." Harry chuckled.

"I'm an emotional mess. Thanks a lot, Harold!" Louis laughed.

"Don't Harold me, Lewis!" Harry huffed.

"Don't Lewis me, Harold!" Louis retorted and poked his side.

Harry squirmed and giggled.
"We sound like five-year-olds."

"Yep, but the bright side of it is that I just found out that you're ticklish." Louis grinned and dug his fingers in Harry's waist and started to tickle him.

Harry laughed out loud and tried to get away, gasping for air.
"Nooooo! Stop!"

"What's the magic word?" Louis asked and continued to tickle him.

Harry had almost fallen off the couch.

"That's right!" Louis smiled and stopped.

Harry tried to catch his breath and sat up again. He was smiling, popping both dimples. Louis had a hard time tearing his eyes away. He was so, so beautiful, so charismatic, and such a nice person. Louis really wished that he had met him under different circumstances. He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.
"It's getting late. We better get some sleep."

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

They cleared the table together and then Louis said good night and headed to the pool house. He was really playing with fire. The more time he spent with Harry the more he liked him.

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