When The truth comes to light

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 When The truth comes to light

Abigail pacing looking at the cookie jar thinking who could be so heartless and steal a symbol union of two people in love. This was happen she had to fix and do on her own. She was not going to bother Bill with who is acting constable with Jack gone. Now, Another reason, why she was avoid Bill as she felt guilty and heartbroken to find out about his wife and son. Elizabeth leaving to return home because of her heartache and Jack's absence. So she pray for guidance to help her remember where the ring could have gone

And then it struck her like a light bulb

24 hours earlier

Abigail was baking a batch of warm chocolate chip cookies for Elizabeth which might help warm her sprits after the heartbreak she had to endure with Jack

Abigail was not expecting any visitors until she was greeted by familiar unexpected voice greeting Abigail.

"Good morning, Abigail."

Abigail stunned to see Rosemary standing in front of him with some over zealous whist flu smile.

As she greeted, "Good morning. Rosemary, surprise to see you here, how may I help you?"

"Baking early I see, while Abigail I am here to ride some of your fabulous cookies to my family in city as I am visiting the folks for the summer in a few days."

"Well that sounds nice, Rosemary and by the sound of it you will return to coal valley then."

"Oh yes, the mayor wants me to return to set up a summer theater production and a fall fall dance. After all this town sure needs some kind of fun and entertainment. "

"That sounds, Rosemary, I am the Mayor is making you feel welcome here. Right now, I am busy making some cookies for Elizabeth, if you come by after lunch I will have some cookies for you."

"Thank you, Abigail. I hope Elizabeth is fine I heard that Jack and her had some kind of falling out hopefully not because of me."

"Rosemary, not everything is about you. As far Jack and Elizabeth relationship goes stay out it."

"Oh Abigail, I won't dream of becoming the town's most beloved couple. After all me and jack are yesterday's news."

Rosemary pacing around the cafe abit was sad no people were still coming in after the fall out but maybe Rosemary could help with that then she saw the a cookie car and she was hunger for a cookie so she looked to see Abigail was looking. Abigail was bring cookies to Elizabeth's room so she went to the cookie jar looked inside was surprise to see no cookies but something more valuable a ring.

Rosemary want to see the ring she grab it out the cookie jar looked and saw it symbols, the hands holding a heart with a crown. Rosemary was surprise how this was capturing her attention. Rosemary could but want to try it on she put the ring on her wedding finger. Rosemary want to feel like it was to be engaged. But after put the ring on finger and looking at her gut had a bad feeling what she was was wrong. This feeling made her feel unpleasant and she hated it so with that she decide to pull the ring off. One problem with that though she could not get the ring off it was stuck on her finger. She want it off but for the life of her couldn't get it off. Rosemary heard voices and footsteps coming down as she decide to run out of the cafe to ensure her no one would see her with the ring and especially Elizabeth and Abigail.

Rosemary left the cafe just in time as Elizabeth and Abigail came down stairs. Abigail had a sighed of relief that Rosemary was gone.

Return back to the present, Abigail realized that Rosemary was the one who the ring reasons as why remain a mystery. She wasted to time to go house of the mayor to find his wife since her and Rosemary were often chummy with each other since Rosemary has telling her tall tails of the life in the big city. She made to the mayor's house to see the mayor wife ready to leave for the day. But Abigail called to stop her from going any further from her."

"Madem, mayor, I am for houseguest? Rosemary. Have you seen her?"

"Oh, it is a shame she has left along with our to return home for the summer. But I am eagerly waiting for her return in the fall good day Abigail."

Mayor wife's left Abigail in dismay knowing now what she do now was get the help of Bill Avery to get a message to Jack on recent urgent event and status of whereabouts of her missing wedding ring.

She rushed to the jail to brust into door and Jack jump out of his desk as Rip barked

"Abigail, morning, what can I do for you?"

"Two things, actually, one I need to get an urgent message to Jack and I need you to be honest with me! Are you married with children?

Bill Avery sighed as he admitted the truth to Abigail,

"Abigail, I'll be more than happy to get any urgent message to, Jack. And yes I was married with a child a son."

"Was?" Abigail repeated already feeling like a fool for demanding such an answer.

"My wife and son they died from the fever two years ago."

"But the picture, the ring, I saw " Abigail said

"The only things I have left of them." Bill added

Abigail said,"I'm sorry forgive me I should have ask."

Bill told her, "I am you ask I should have told you. Now what message do you want to send to jack."

"Just that, Rosemary is going home with my ring on her pocket, he must get back so he can propose to Elizabeth when the time is right."

When Calls The Hearties #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now