When Grace and Mercy is Given

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Like I said before this fanfic will compose of one shots of my favorite ships of when calls the heart

This first shot is about Frank and Abigail

When Grace and Mercy is Given

Pastor Frank reaches the pupil of the Hope Valley he clears his throat looks at Abigail Stanton sitting the front smiling at him. He begins his sermon,

"Dear people of Hope Valley after living here for the past two months I have felt more hope in the possibility of God giving us grace and mercy in improving our lives when we make mistakes that impossible to take back or make right. God can leads into a path of righteousness to understand what God's grace and mercy is and knowing the difference."

Abigail had a kneen in knowing hunches about people. God has given her that gift so she can understand people to give people the wisdom and compassion for those who needed it. Abigail certainly had many hunches about Frank. She felt the compassion and kindness he had for her befriending her after the coal mind trial. He was indeed to be comfortable around talking with him about anything while fishing at Hope Pond. Despite her fondness her hunches always have some doubt along with it.

During her experience with Bill Avery finding out his marriage while he was courting her. She felt guilty leading herself everything was right. Due this experience, she often wonder about Frank having the instinct feeling was hiding something too. And while listening to his sermon she felt there was something Frank was not telling her.

She kept listening intently to the rest of Pastor Frank's sermon
"Grace is not by something we did (works), something we deserved (God's kindness) or something we have a right to (we were dead in sin). In short, God's grace is something which we receive that we do not deserve. You see my friends I believe as man of God not deserve the grace and acceptance of town when I have not been truthful of my storted past."

Storted pass Abigail didn't eyes in the back to see the looks townspeople with worry and concern. She was relieved when no one has left yet but she figure it was peoples natural curiosity. So they listen as pastor continued,

"I need to be honest my childhood was not the best my parents died I was a long lad. I had only myself to look after my trust in God was not as binding. I astray committed massive sins like stealing, coning people to have food in my stomach. After years of thieving and conning I want more than just food but money. So one day I found myself in a gang of thieves ready to steal but when pushed came to shoved I get shot at. When that bullet press through my shoulder it knock the wind out of me. It made see that this life was not for me to live. For God says life is precious."

Townspeople including Abigail stunned as they were still listening to the Pastor's horrid tale,

" God tells you that He "redeems your life from the pit [and] who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy" (Psalm 103:4). The reason we should "have mercy on those who doubt" (Jude 22) is not only because "the merciful...shall obtain mercy" (Matt 6:7) but it is because "the Lord is gracious and merciful" to us (Psalm 111:4).

The fact is God "saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5) and "according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" (1 Pet 1:3). The lord was indeed merciful he brought me yp hope valley to live again have a second chance. Please forgive me for the past I lived. Grace and mercy are not the same thing although they both come from God. Grace is what we receive that we do not deserve while mercy is what we do not get that we do deserve. He gives the one (grace) and withholds the other (mercy) and that is why we ought to give thanks to God for His goodness. What we do deserve is the wrath of God (John 3:36), instead He refrains from giving us what we truly deserve (mercy) and then extends to us what we could not earn in a million years (grace). That is all I wish you all blessed day and may be with you all for he has always been with me in the good and bad."

Pastor walks down the pupil through the walk way not one townspeople has yet to rise from their seats. Not even Abigail stood for she was still in shock and stunned. Elizabeth Thatcher, her dear friend sitting beside her holds her and asks her

"Aren't you going after him?"

Abigail does not response turns to see Pastor Frank heading to church door with not one person standing behind him. Abigail rose up on her feet and cries,

"Pastor Frank" he stops at the cry of Abigail turn to see only her standing. She waste no more time with words but her actions. Abigail rushes towards Frank into his arms embracing him. Abigail whispers,

"I am here, I will always be here to stand behind you like you have always done for me."

Frank kisses her on the cheek, and tells Abigail,

"Thank you, Abigail, God has filled you with amazing grace and Mercy.'

Then Elizabeth and Jack stood and clap along with the rest of the townspeople who felt the Pastor Frank's past was no longer an issue as after they believed in second chances after they all lived in a town called Hope Valley.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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