Dinner soon calls

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Part 3

Chapter 5- Dinner soon calls

Elizabeth dismiss the class for recess she watch her students rush out the door with their lunch pails and went out the door to eat lunch and play. Elizabeth went out with them. Elizabeth step out into the sunlight she looked to see the amazement of God 's natural creation of the blue sky with the clouds standing out above her.

She smiled and said aloud,

"Thank you, God for a beautiful day"

She looked at the children playing Gabe shouted out for her and pointed to his left.

"Ms. Thatcher look, constable jack is coming on his horse"

She looked to her left to see her knight and shining constable Jack Thornton riding towards her. She smiled as he looked at him looking handsome and strong. While riding towards his Elizabeth, as she was beautiful and radiant in the midst of the sunlight. He stop his horse in front of her smiled and said,

"Good afternoon, Ms. Thatcher ."

"Good afternoon, Constable, I see you are done with your rounds for the day"

"Yes, Madem, on my way home to prepare a wholesome meal for a wholesome woman."

"Why, I am sure she is lucky to think that this woman feels loved and appreciate by you"

"I am the lucky one, Elizabeth." He tips his hat on her smiles and winks at and whispers to her, "Will see you, tonight, my love, come to Abigail's by at 7pm, dinner will be ready."

She smiled and whisper, "I will be there , my constable "

jack smiled and said out loud, "Gotta ride off now, Good day children, and Ms. Thatcher."

Kids screamed out as he ride off, "See you soon, Constable, Jack"

Elizabeth giggled, "Okay, student's recess is over, back to learning."

Children got the lunch pails and walked back inside before Elizabeth went back inside she watched Jack ride off till she couldn't see him anymore then she enter the saloon. Jack rode as fast as he could to Abigail's cafe. He made to it Abigail's panting and heaving he tied his story knock on the door. Abigail opened it, she was concerned to see Jack out of breathe she asked,

"Jack, what's wrong, come in you look like you are about to faint."

She helped him inside the cafe. Abigail gave him a place to sit down and catch his breathe,

Abigail went to the kitchen to give a class of water. She handed him the glass he panted, "Thank you, Abilgail."

"Jack, what is a matter, I hope nothing is wrong, is Elizabeth okay."

Jack shaking his head, "I am sorry, to make you worry, Elizabeth is okay. It is just, I need to ask you something?"

Abigail said, "Ask away"

"I need you to teach me to cook ."

She giggled, "alright jack I would happy to"

Chapter 6- When the hunger for curiosity calls

It was 6:30pm, Elizabeth could help but curious she knew Jack had something up his sleeve. So right after school she is got dress in fanciest dress out her closet put it on, adjusted her hair, and grab her scarf and walked out the door. She walked to Abigail's cafe she followed the smell of rib roast cooking .

She saw the lights on before entering the cafe she thought she could take a peek in what Jack was doing but she could not see him. So Elizabeth try to see if could try to sneak in without being notice she quietly open the door left it open make sure that she did not make sound she steady took off her shoes tippy toed towards the kitchen hearing Jack and Abigail mumbling and making sounds the kitchen she peak her head in the kitchen almost nearly blown her covered when she saw Jack in a pink apron making up a pie. Jack and Abigail were having a good time together laughing and cooking she happy the two people she loved the most right now were enjoying each other's accompany and she wanted to be apart of that, and so she came out.

"Well look at you two, having fun with out me."

Jack walked over to Elizabeth kissed on her the cheek, "You are here, early. Dinner is not quiet ready yet."

"I see that, can I help"

Jack sighed, "As much I appreciate the offer I don't want to make a mess of your nice dress"

Elizabeth told him, "I can always change, besides I need to learn how to cook and why not learn from best."

Jack sighed, "What about, us being alone night?"

She kissed Jack on the lips, told him,

"After we cook dinner, okay if you excuse let me change and I will help the rest of the cooking."

Jack chuckled watch Elizabeth leave he turn to Abigail. He told her, "God love that woman no matter how she fails at cooking she stills wants to try to cook."

Abigail added, "Maybe, this time she can actually learn from the person she loves and trusts with all her heart."

"You have a good point, Abigail."

Abigail asked, "Do want me to leave? So you two can be alone."

Jack said, "No, she want to learn to cook from the both us."

"Alright, I'll stay for a bit"

Elizabeth return and said,"Let's cook"

Jack and Abigail sighed and prayed that them teaching Elizabeth to cook will work and help Elizabeth be the woman she alway to be a woman that cook and provide for herself.

When Calls The Hearties #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now