Chapter 1: Early Morning

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Hagakure opened her eyes as the sun slowly started to seep in through her blinds.  Rubbing her eyes she glanced at her alarm clock. 

05:45 damn it.  45 minutes till I have to get up.  Oh well.  No point in trying to get anymore sleep

She threw on a plain light blue T-shirt and black shorts and walked over to the mirror.  Just like always, the only thing looking back at her was a bunch of floating clothes.  She sighed, trying to remember the last time she could see herself.  Was she still a brunette? Did she still have her freckles? She had been invisible for a little over a decade now so she'd gotten used to it, but it still ached knowing that she would never be seen again.  It hurt especially bad when it came to boys.  She overheard all the guys (mostly Mineta) talking about how hot Yaoyorozu or Uraraka were, but no one ever talked about her.  I mean why would they? The only thing they'd ever seen was her clothes. 

She was also the only single girl left in the class.  Yaoyorozu had Todoroki, Jirou had Kamanari, Tsu had Tokoyami, Ashido had Kirishima, and while they weren't officially together yet, everyone could see just how madly in love Deku and Uraraka were.  She accepted she would probably never find love, but the hopeless romantic inside of her would never let her forget it.  Trying to push the negative thoughts aside, she decided to get some fresh air and watch the sunrise.  No one else was up yet, the common room was bare and deserted as she made her way outside. 

She smiled as she observed the beauty before her.  The sun starting to peep over the treetops, slowly driving away the darkness of the night.  The colors of the morning sky dancing across the fountain reflecting atop the water's surface.  She could hear birds chirping and the sound of nature getting ready to start the day.  But that was not the only thing she heard. 

What the hell is that?

It sounded like a tree being whacked along with a painful grunting sound.  She rounded the corner of the building to see Mashirao Ojiro practicing his martial arts on a makeshift wooden dummy.  He was repeating the same combo, a double switch kick to an upward tail whip.  It looked very difficult, and Ojiro seemed to be having trouble with it.  He would ether mess up his footing or over-rotate.  On his next attempt he slipped and fell on his back, groaning in pain. 

"Damn it"

He muttered as he punched the ground before immediately getting back up to try again. 

Hagakure noticed how dirty and tired he seemed to be. 

How long as he been out?

She wondered as she slowly approached him.  Ojiro finally got the combo correct, knocking the dummy over as he landed on his feet perfectly. 

"Oh hello Hagakure.  What brings you out here so early?"

He asked, his back completely turned to her as he grabbed a towel and started wiping himself off. 

"Oh my apologies!"

He quickly stuttered as he ran to grab his shirt.  Hagakure just realized he wasn't wearing a top but she wasn't complaining.  Her eyes drifted over his toned muscles gleaming in the sunlight.  Thank god she was invisible so he didn't notice.  She even frowned when he put his shirt back on. 

"How did you know I was here?"

She asked, completely flabbergasted that he was able to detect her presence. 

"Shoji taught me a few tricks about how to use all your senses to be more aware of your surroundings"

He replied smiling at her as he wiped off his brow.   Hagakure always admired his nobility and friendship, but she never really noticed his physical features before.  His blonde hair and his beady dark eyes. The way his tail flopped around when he walked. She never really gave it much thought but he was actually kind of cute.

"Wow I'm impressed. Not that many people here have been able to do that"

She replied as Ojiro set up the dummy again, this time practicing his punches and elbows.

"How long have you been out here?"

She asked, noticing how beat up the dummy was.

"A few hours"

He replied, striking the dummy harder and harder. Splinters started flying off as he whipped it with his tail, knocking it down again.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it? I mean we already train for hours a day with Aizawa and the other teachers"

Hagakure asked worriedly. Overtraining was a good way to get yourself injured.

"Midoriya beat me the last time we sparred. And Todoroki completely mopped the floor with us during our first combat training remember?"

He gritted his teeth as he continued striking.

"I have to train harder. I have to get stronger. I'm so far behind everyone"

He grunted as he punched through the dummy completely, tearing it clean in half. Hagakure noticed his hand was bleeding and covered in cuts and bruises.

"We all have to get stronger, and we're all trying our best. But there's a right way to go about this. Not getting enough sleep and putting so much stress on your body can't be good for you"

She said sympathetically as she touched his hand. Ojiro jumped at the sudden contact, partly because he couldn't see it coming, and partly because it was from a cute girl. He never expected this. Someone caring about his well being this way.

"I have an idea. If you're so good at detecting people now, maybe we should do some joint training together? I could try and sneak up on you while you try and find me"

Hagakure suggested, trying to cheer him up. Ojiro smiled again making her blush. She thanked the stars that he couldn't see. Also that he couldn't tell she was totally checking him out earlier.

"Sure that sounds like a good idea"

He said cheerfully.

"Great well then I'll see you later"

Hagakure waved goodbye as she ran back inside to find her friends. 

I admire Ojiro for being so dedicated, but doesn't he see how dangerous that can be? He's already one of the best hand to hand fighters in the class.  I just need to show him that he's already strong

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