Chapter 2: Training

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"All right everyone bring it in"

The kids were in gym Gamma, training with Aizawa and Cementoss, increasing the power of their quirks and tweaking their fighting styles.

"Part of being a good hero is recognizing your own weaknesses and points to improve on. You know yourselves better than anyone so the last half hour will be dedicated to free training. You can do whatever you want, just make sure it's actually something useful. We will be watching. Dismissed"

Aizawa muttered as he walked off to go take a quick power nap.  Everyone dispersed to work on their own moves, some teaming up for joint training.  Bakugo would set off massive explosions while Kirishima would tank them with his hardening.  Aoyama and Tokoyami sparred, forcing Dark Shadow to fight under intense light, and Kods built up his anivoice by trying to give commands while Jirou fired off sonic blasts. 

Ojiro was wondering what he should do when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Ojiro, you want to do that stealth training we talked about this morning"

Hagakure asked, determined to show off her new moves. 

"Oh yeah let's do it"

Ojiro nodded as they walked off to find their own area of the gym. 

"So what's the game plan?"

He asked once they found a big open area surrounded by giant cement pillars.

"You stand in the middle there and try and stop me from sneaking up on you. If I touch you, I win, if you find me first, you win"

Hagakure said as she started to take off her gloves and shoes. Ojiro blushed and looked away out of respect. Even though he didn't have to and none of her other classmates seemed to care, Ojiro was always adamant about giving her privacy. It was one of the things she admired about him the most.

"Ok sounds good, let me know when you're ready"

He replied with his back turned to her.

"I'm ready"

Hagakure shouted from behind one of the concrete pillars. Ojiro immediately whipped around to where the sound was coming from and narrowed his eyes, looking for any sign of movement. A shadow, a crease in the floor. Listening for any footsteps or any disruptions in the environment. Hagakure stalked him like a wild animal, silently moving from pillar to pillar. There were a couple of times where he apparently found out where she was as he stared right at her as she moved but he never said a word.

She moved to the pillar closest to him, only ten feet separating them. As soon as he turned his back she sprinted towards him as fast as she could, extending her hand. She was about to touch his shoulder when he spun away, tripping her with his tail. She fell flat on her stomach, face planting into the concrete.

"Found ya"

He laughed as she angrily got to her feet.

"Why you little...."

She ran at him and punched him in the jaw. It didn't do much damage but it did knock him down. Hagakure immediately helped him up realizing what she just did.

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