Chapter 5: Infiltration

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Hagakure stood in the middle of the street, the SAQ compound in front of her.

"All right Hagakure. Use the ventilation system on the left side of the building to enter"

Aizawa instructed in her earpiece. She was also wearing a small camera around her neck fitted with a cloaking device.

"Copy that"

She replied as she ran into the alley where the AC system resided. Peeling off the cover, she slowly made her way into the vent, pressing her hands and feet against the sides, propelling herself up and into the building. She crawled through the maze of tunnels until she came to a grate on the bottom, allowing her to see into the main room of the building. It looked like a massive workshop, with various machines creating parts and systems that were assembled into a vast array of gadgets and weaponry.

"What do you see? The camera angle isn't that great"

Best Jeanist asked.

"I see a bunch of guys in white lab coats making a bunch of stuff. I can't really tell what though it's too far away"

She replied.

"What about security?"

Aizawa chimed in.

"Hang on I'm gonna try and get closer look"

Hagakure responded.

"Ok be careful"

Aizawa said as she slid down the vent to the floor grate. Unfortunately her footing slipped and she tumbled down making a lot of noise.

"What was that?"

Someone asked.

"I'm not sure...sounded like it came from the vents"

Another voice answered.

"Well go check it out you idiot"

The first one shouted. Hagakure froze and covered her mouth as the vent opened and a scientist with shaggy dark hair and safety goggles opened the vent. His face was merely inches from her as he looked around in confusion before closing the vent.

"There's nothing in there"

He said, walking back to his workstation.

"Hmmmm must've been a rat or something"

The first one grunted as they continued working. Hagakure breathed out a sigh of relief, staying put for a minute to ensure no one was looking. Thank god for invisibility.

"That was too close for comfort"

Best Jeanist said as she made her way out of the vent and hid behind a crate.

"Hang on stay right there"

Aizawa instructed as he zoomed in on the camera.

"What on earth are they doing?"

He asked. They were making large glass chambers and placing glowing green crystals inside of them.

"Have the footage copied and sent back to my agency for analysis"

Best Jeanist suggested.

"Hagakure, we need that intel on their security. Are there any guards? Any booby traps?"

She looked around the room, scanning every doorway and window for anything out of the ordinary.

"They have a few armed guards patrolling the upper levels. I see alarms and complex locking mechanisms on the doors. Guessing you won't be able to just barge in on through. But the windows look good, especially the ones near the roof"

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