Chapter 4: Mission Briefing

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"You....need me for a mission?"

Hagakure sputtered in surprise.

"Yes and a very important one at that"

Best Jeanist said flipping through papers in his folder.

"But.... why me?"

"I need someone new that won't be recognized. Additionally they must be an expert at stealth and infiltration. I called up Nezu asking for a capable UA student and he recommended you. Given your quirk it's obvious you're the best choice"

Best Jeanist replied. Hagakure was speeches, but also excited. She would usually take a backseat to her more powerful classmates like Todoroki and Bakugo who got all the internship offers. This was a chance for her to prove her worth as a hero.

"I'm honored sir. What do you need me to do?"

She asked enthusiastically.

"My agency has been keeping tabs on a rouge group of quirkless extremists known as the Scientists Against Quirks or SAQ. They are masters of engineering and chemistry, creating dangerous tools and weapons capable of giving any pro a run for their money. We believe we have finally discovered their manufacturing facility and are planning a raid, but unfortunately we have zero intelligence. So we need you to be our reconnaissance and infiltrate the compound to give us information on the building, security, and if possible, what their latest plan is. You will not engage with them by any means and myself and my team will be on standby in case anything goes wrong"

Best Jeanist explained as he snapped the folder closed and handed it off to his sidekick over his shoulder without even looking.

"So will you help?"

He asked, his eyes narrowed as he looked her up and down.

"Of course sir. When will you need me?"

Aizawa stepped forward and held open the door of the gym where a car was already waiting.

"Right now"

A minute later, she was riding in the backseat with Mr. Aizawa on the way to her very first mission. Best Jeanist sat in the passengers seat while one of his sidekicks drove. It was all so sudden she could barely process it all.

"Mr. Aizawa you're coming too?"

She asked confused as to why he tagged along.

"I'll be a part of the standby team in case we need to intervene. Plus I'm your teacher. I'm responsible for your well being and it's my job to coach you and train you to become a hero"

Aizawa replied as he leaned his head against the window.

"Wake me up when we get there"

He mumbled as he immediately passed out.

"So what's the game plan?"

Hagakure asked.

"I'll brief you with everyone back at my agency"

Best Jeanist replied, not taking his eyes off the road. They rode the rest of the way in silence. Hagakure was both nervous and excited, wondering what her first real mission had in store for her.
A few minutes later, she was sitting in a small auditorium with a hundred other people, most of them SWAT officers (Or whatever the Japanese equivalent of SWAT is). Best Jeanist walked to the front and turned on a screen and projector.

"The compound is this building right here"

Best Jeanist said pointing to a large empty looking building on a map of a city block.

"We will set up our base of operations at this restaurant across the street"

Best Jeanist said pointing on the map.

"My sidekicks will act as patrons of the restaurant while secretly keeping an eye out on things. The SWAT team will be on standby in the back. Should anything go wrong, Aizawa and I will enter while SWAT secures the perimeter before breaching the facility. Are there any questions?"

Nobody raised their hand.

"Good, then let us proceed. We should be in and out with no complications. Dismissed"

Everyone got out of their seats and made their way over to the locker rooms to get ready for the mission. Aizawa walked over to Hagakure who was trembling slightly.

"Is everything ok Hagakure?"

He asked, knowing full well what the answer was. He'd seen this behavior hundreds of times in his former students.

"Yeah I'm just kinda nervous. I've been training really hard but to go on my first real mission so quickly and by myself is kind of nerve wracking"

She replied.

"You're gonna do fine. I'll be watching your every move. Jeanist and I will see and hear everything you do and we'll be on comms so if you need anything I'll be right there"

Aizawa said, comforting the girl.

"You said it yourself. You've been training really hard and I wouldn't have authorized your participation in this mission if I didn't think you could handle it"

Hearing his words of encouragement gave her a boost of confidence.

"Everyone gear up. We move out in five"

Best Jeanist announced over the intercom.

"You ready?"

Aizawa asked, a rare smile on his face. Hagakure clenched her fists and smiled back.

"Let's do this!"

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