Chapter 29

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The hours on the clock tick away. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Thick acrylic paint splotches your fingertips, around the crevices of your nails, under them, coating them like nail polish. The lilac paint stirs and swirls inside the murky water of the paint cup, old marks from previous works sits as a reminder to your hard work, practice and never forgetting to keep going. That and at some point along the process you hate yourself and the piece of shit your working on but somehow or another it still gets good grades.

It always leaves you baffled, honestly speaking.

But now as the final minutes strike as the last art lecture of the day, quickly bidding your piece of shit assignment to the drying room, your friends in the class going their own separate ways. You didn't have much time for thinking when it came too close, so close to your next date with Usui, you had told him today would be messy, messy being you and your hands. But he didn't seem to mind all that much actually he came off quite excited over the phone, telling you all sorts of things.

He's a painter of sorts nothing all that fancy with having a degree in fine arts but like you, he also enjoys the little things; fine details. He did come off quite eccentric when you first met him but unlike a certain someone he's like a breath of fresh air. A true mannerism of a gentlemen but the quirks of an idiot in a clown suit, honestly you should be worrying more about your tastes in men at this point. But it is these types of men that do spice up your life that much more exciting. Hitoshi was never the sort of man you would intentionally go for if you met him with a clear mind back then. So rude, uptight and never there... not just being absent but just not intellectually there. You could imagine Gojo going off into a tangent about the fluffiness of vanilla cream but Usui... he seems different, interesting.

Interesting enough to date, that is something on the table as of now laying a card down, you and Gojo aren't forever. You both know this and yet you have the feeling he's trying to stretch out this one moment for a century, it's not like you will impact his life so heavily. To think the great Gojo Satoru will be effected by you and you leaving him for another man, pigs must be flying. No, this is the right thing to do you and him are over or going to be, you're sure he's got something up his sleeve to commemorate your leaving party. He truly has taught you a lot about sex, more than just the pain but the passion, the idiosyncrasies of skin-to-skin.

Gojo Satoru is a part of your life one way or another but that time has reached its ending, ending soon, change is already happening and Usui will be that catalyst to it all. Even if today won't go so well it's still a stepping stone into the right direction, you're not a hoe but a lover. You're a being of love and to love and Gojo is a being of want and to want alone, nothing stands besides that. So as you pat the light foundation against your cheek wiping down any sweat and disguising the rosiness spotting high onto your cheek bones, all you can say to him.

Gojo Satoru, is thank you.

Thank you for helping you, thank you for showing you the way, a guide with the torch in a dark tunnel, the maze growing thicker and harder to escape. This time you won't be afraid, this time you'll walk tomorrow with a new confident step.

Sex can't hurt you anymore.

Smiling under the cover of the maid café finding it kinda funny that your second date is in a maid café, and you were saying this guy is eccentric but a maid café now this will be an experience seeing as you've never been to one. It's not like you have had the opportunity it's just why would you go, it's something you would never do but now standing outside with the man in question a full suit you must add. Yikes, this guy is seriously one of a kind or just a fruit-loop, maybe both you haven't quite decided that just yet.

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