Chapter 10

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Sebastian and Ciel were having a deep kiss, moving their lips in sync. It's as if they were two puzzle pieces made to fit together. The teen wasn't able to believe that most of this was truly happening, it still felt very unreal. After a few moments the two pulled apart from one another; Sebastian gazing at the boy in front of him and Ciel looking shyly down.

The demon gave a cocky smile before beginning to get out of the tub. "You truly did drench my clothes, young master." He spoke. Once out of the tub he began to strip off his dripping wet clothes, knowing he'd have to put them out to dry. As he undressed he could feel bicoloured eyes focusing on him. He knew Ciel was watching. Ciel was eyeing Sebastian wanting to see what the man looked like naked. He had never once seen what the man's body looked like underneath all those layers of clothing he wore daily. The teen felt his heart race as he saw the slender muscles the demon had, the perfectly sculpted legs and his figure in general. He was super attractive, that was a fact. His butt even was perfectly sculpted, not big or bubbly but very nicely crafted. It got Ciel's attention immensely and made the teenager feel some hormonal things.

The butler being the demon he was took this moment to flex a little bit in front of his master. He wanted to get a reaction out of him, and he knew he could do it. Especially if the teen had went out of his way to stare so dreamily at him. Sebastian walked over to where the towels were, having his back turned to the boy the entirety of the time, therefore Ciel hadn't seen any part of him bare at the front. The man reached down slowly to grab a towel and then smirked slightly as he quickly wrapped it around his waist, not allowing anything at his front to be exposed to the teen. He wanted there to still be some surprise. Ciel bit his lip out of annoyance, he wanted to see just what Sebastian looked like 'down there' and it was irritating him to find out. Was he going to vocally ask his demon butler to show him? The answer to that was no, no he was not. He knew for a fact that if he decided to speak up and ask the man then he would come to regret it. Sebastian would for sure become smug and take that as his moment to make the teen embarrassed and flustered.

"Sebastian, hurry up and stop dilly-dallying. If I stay in this tub any longer than my fingers will begin to prune up." Ciel rolled his eyes and began to climb out of the tub. The demon went over and helped the bluenette, then proceeded to grab another white fluffy towel and dry him off. Ciel looked up at the man. "Your clothes are soaked and your only spare ones are in your chambers am I right? How are we going to be able to leave this room?"

"It'll be quite alright, young master. I'll wrap you up then pick you up and quickly take you to my room, that way I can change into some acceptable clothes and you can wear one of my white button ups. If I wasn't able to do such a small task than what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian smirked as he had come up with a brilliant plan, and one that only he would really be able to complete. He had powers, supernatural ones that no one else would be able to mimic.

Then Sebastian wrapped Ciel up in the white towel, drained the tub, then opened the door of the bathroom. He peeked out and looked both ways down the hall, making sure that it was absolutely cleared. He then took one step and quickly within in eyes blink was inside his bedroom with the teen still in his arms. The bluenette still at times became surprised by these things, though he had witnessed them time and time again, it was shocking. The demon had placed him down and then gave him a smile. "See? Not a problem at all. Now no one in the manor will see me having been undressed whilst having been in the bathroom with you." He chuckled slightly and within seconds was dressed while drying his midnight locks with the towel.

Ciel didn't expect to be having such an eventful night, in fact this felt dangerously perfect. The sweet bath scent, Sebastian being in front of him. All of it seemed like some sort of dream. "Master, you seem to be spacing out. Is something the matter?" The butler frowned and furrowed his eyebrows worriedly.

"No, I'm quite alright. I'm just a little bit tired. Elizabeth drained me out after-" Ciel cut himself off as he saw Sebastian's expression. He didn't look very pleased at hearing the blondes name. The teen saw the fuchsia eyes glowing and he knew that wasn't a good sign. It would be best if he didn't anger the demon. "I'm tired. That's all I meant to say." Sebastian took a white shirt out of his closet and silently walked over to Ciel.

"You're going to catch cold if you stay all bare like this." The demon finally spoke in a stern but caring tone. Ciel nodded and removed the towel allowing for Sebastian to dress him and button up the shirt. Something about wearing his butler's shirt made him feel shy and as if he was being intimate in some way. He saw the man pick up the towels and turn away to collect any other things. At that moment the teen quickly sniffed the collar of the shirt and it smelt just like Sebastian, he thought he would pass away. It was such a wonderful smell.

"Sebastian...Could you prepare some warm milk with honey for me?" Ciel nervously asked, eyeing the man for an answer. After all it had been some time since he had been served the sweet, delicious drink. He expected a stern no but perhaps within the fresh scents and the relaxation in the air, instead the demon gave a charming smile and said,

"Yes, of course you can."

Author's Note: This update is probably one of the sweeter ones. I know it may seem that this specific night in the story is a bit long but there is purpose behind it. After all this is the first time that the feelings have been put out there in the open so there's a big shift into character's and relationships here. Not to mention I don't want it to feel rushed, I don't enjoy novels or stories in which the character is madly in love or is with the partner instantly. That to me ruins some stories. Not to mention Ciel's a brat and he's going to act like it. Sebastian's a demon who "doesn't feel" which we all know he definitely does feel and can shut his ass up. Anyways until next time.

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