Chapter 13

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"No...No...NO! Please don't go, don't leave me. I can't handle it! SEBASTIAN-" Ciel's eyes shot open, purple and blue looking into crimson beauties. The teen was sweating slightly and had a panicked expression, on the other hand the butler looked worried, his eyebrows furrowed. He gently placed his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Young Master, are you alright?" The man was soft with his voice, not wanting to freak the boy out. Once Ciel came to realize he was awake, not dreaming, and this right here was Sebastian, he relaxed but gripped at the man's shirt. The dream he had terrified him, it was no dream, more so a nightmare. He slowed his breathing and just stayed like that, clinging to the man who couldn't understand what was happening with his small master. Sebastian thought about what he could do to help him, after all he wouldn't want the teen to get worse. At that moment the man slowly moved his hands off Ciel's shoulders, the teen froze for a second fearing that this meant Sebastian would let go, but instead the man wrapped his arms around the teen's small body, pulling him close to his chest. Ciel Phantomhive felt oddly comfortable, he was being embraced and it felt like home. He couldn't help but allow his head to rest against Sebastian's chest, could he still be asleep? No, he was definitely awake. Sebastian smelt intoxicating, it was a combination of something fresh with hints of amber, wood, and rain. Ciel could not get enough of it.

Ciel quickly pulled away from Sebastian. "What are you doing?" He tried to recover from the little moment he just displayed, it was embarrassing that he had allowed himself to give into this. He had just fallen asleep not too long ago believing this man didn't want him, why was he throwing himself at him?

"What am I doing? Master, you were screaming in your sleep and also clung to me. Am I to assume you would have preferred I pulled away?" Sebastian raised a brow.

"Yes. I'm absolutely fine." Ciel lied. He clearly wasn't fine but he also could not allow for himself to continue falling for Sebastian's touch. He was a Phantomhive, what would his previous ancestors think about what he was doing? Sebastian narrowed his eyes, giving Ciel a distasteful look. He wasn't happy that he was being not only lied to but pushed away. The bluenette gave him a bored look in return, back to his usual stoic expression.

"You want me to be honest with you but yet you lie. How is that fair?" Sebastian completely pulls away from Ciel and fixes his attire. "But if that's what my lord will choose to be then we have no time to waste. It's time to get up, no more being in bed you have much to do." The butler clapped his hands together, now completely ignoring the fact that moments ago Ciel was panicking. The teen looked pissed but got up.

"Fine. Get me dressed." He mumbled.

"Ah, ah. Right up to your room, Master. Have you forgotten this isn't your room? All of your things are upstairs." Sebastian reminded without a shift of expression. Ciel looked annoyed.

"Can you not just bring my outfit here and get me dressed?" Ciel inquired, his patience going thin.

"Unfortunately not. I'm your butler so it's my job to make sure you do not fall into any childish ways or become lazy." Sebastian eyed Ciel. "Afterall, if I chose to give you special attention and get away with things, that would make me something more than a butler right? But you're a strong, noble who doesn't need such things. Don't forget, you also have a fiance. I'm sure she'll be able to do just that for you." He added. Sebastian was putting a strong line between them, it would piss anyone off to be clung to then pushed away. Ciel took this to mean he was correct about what he had been overthinking before, Sebastian didn't care for him. He was obviously being toyed with.

Ciel got off of Sebastian's bed and chose to not express anything on his face, he was acting as the same cold person he had been. He didn't care about Sebastian either. He didn't want to do anything more than use him for his revenge. But if that was the case, why did his heart hurt horribly? The mention of Eiizabeth and his engagement to her caused him to feel unhappy. He walked towards his room to allow for Sebastian to dress him.

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