Chapter 1

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Please don't leave me! Please...please don't leave me! I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'll smile for you!


Ciel had been sitting in his study working on his paperwork and was awfully bored. Of course the young earl had a duty to do but he was still only just 12, and no boy of such an age no matter how mature would ever want to be sitting for that long. He ran his fingers through his slate-blue hair sighing loudly. He had already thought of many different things he could do to entertain himself and pass the time by quicker but he knew that would not be mature for an earl. To be distracted during work, that was childish, something he refused to be.

Ciel's blue eye gazed down at the load of paperwork he had and he picked up his pen. He had went back to working but barley ten minutes later he already was bored again. He pursed his lips together and furrowed his eyebrows at the paperwork. How awfully boring...Is there not something else I can do? He was letting his real age take over. He placed his stuff down on his desk and sighed before getting up. He went and stretched a bit at sitting for so long in one place then walked over to the door. He opened it slightly to make sure none of the servants were in the halls, especially Sebastian. Once he thought it looked clear enough he went ahead and snuck out of his study and started to make his way down the halls.

The young earl had ventured to the main door and went into the library. He had always enjoyed the library a lot for the fact he enjoyed reading quite a lot. It was something he didn't hide. He always was calm when he had books. Sebastian had even personally seen to bringing Ciel more books as a gift, which he gladly accepted. Whenever Sebastian  mentioned about how Ciel was a fanatic for reading or how he enjoyed certain pieces of works though, Ciel would make it seem as if he wasn't that interested and read them to pass the time.

Ciel looked through the long range of books trying to pick out a book that was appealing to him at the moment. He after awhile finally chose a book that looked interesting enough to read. He went over to the couch in the library and sat down before proceeding to get lost in the book.


Sebastian had just finished his chores of cleaning up after the servants and took out his pocket watch to check for the time. He read the time and then slipped his pocket watch back into his pocket. "Seems it's almost tea time for the young master."

The tall raven haired male made his way to the kitchen to prepare Ciel's tea and decided to also bake some cookies to accompany Ciel's warm drink. Soon he had been finished and made his way with the tea and cookies to Ciel's study.

Once the butler had arrived to Ciel's study he gently knocked on the door. "Young master I've come with your afternoon tea." He said softly but loud enough that Ciel would be able to hear him. No response. He knocked again thinking maybe Ciel hadn't heard him but still had gotten no response whatsoever. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened the door to see the study empty and all of Ciel's paperwork on the desk. Sebastian went over to Ciel's desk and saw that the young boy had quite a lot of work still left to finish and he sighed. "My, why must he decide to act like a child at the most ridiculous times?"

Sebastian had decided to go and look around the manor to where Ciel could possibly be. He had the tea and batch of cookies with him and frowned a little. "I must find him before his tea is cold." Soon enough he came to the library and opened the door and peeked inside. What he saw made him smile and shake his head, Ciel was lying down on the couch reading quite intently. If only he was this interested and focused on dancing. He chuckled to himself a little.

The demon butler quietly made his way inside the library and then appeared behind the couch of where Ciel was reading. "My my young master, how's that book going?" He said with a smirk. Ciel didn't look away from the book.

"It's something to pass the time. Nothing more..." He mumbled softly before his eye widened and he looked over to demon. "Sebastian!?" He sat up and set the book down on the table. He looked up at Sebastian and saw the closed eye smile on his face then sighed knowing he was going to be lectured.

"Care to tell me why you're in here and not in your study my Lord? Last I checked you have quite a lot on your plate today and have no time for distractions." Sebastian began as he placed the tea cup gently on the table and the plate with cookies. Ciel leaned over and gently picked up the tea cup and began to sip at it, enjoying the taste of earl grey.

"I simply got tired of all the paperwork and thought it would be best to clear my head for a bit then return to the load of work I have." He then took a cookie and started to take some bites enjoying the softness of how they were fresh.

"Did clearing your head mean read a whole novel?" The butler asked with a smirk. "You know that you are an earl who has many responsibilities, you cannot simply let yourself be distracted so easily. You must put your skills to work and if you are going to take a break do one of your other tasks and learn it better, such as dancing." He started lecturing Ciel with a serious look on his face but also he was teasing the young earl.

"Alright, I get it! Now stop it with the lectures." Ciel glared up at Sebastian and then looked away. "Must you always lecture me about the smallest of things?"

"I am your butler. It is my duty to keep you in place and also at the same time fulfil your every order. You know when it comes to your duties I have the full advantage of telling you to continue them. Anyways, this is nothing to call 'small' for it is your work that's for your company. That's quite big and nothing to look at you so lightly." Sebastian closes his eyes and sighs before opening them again. "What ever am I to do with you master?" He teased and Ciel huffed crossing his arms over his small chest.  He looked up into Sebastian's crimson eyes and pouted which made Ciel look undeniably cute. Sebastian always loved getting these reactions out of Ciel for it was such a pleasing sight to see. "Oh my is the young Lord upset?" His smooth British accent rang out teasing Ciel.

"Shut it. You really are testing my patience today aren't you? I got the message, I'll return to my study right away and return to my tasks. Does seeing me have to do boring things that I hate please you, demon?" Ciel asked with an annoyed voice. Sebastian gave a closed eye smile and put his hand to his heart.

"Very much so." The butler answered. Ciel's eyebrow twitched in annoyance before getting up.

"I'll be heading to my study now. Don't interrupt me." The young boy stomped out of the library angrily like a fussy little kid having a tantrum. Sebastian was happy that he had managed to get on Ciel's nerves again, he always did enjoy teasing the young boy. He looked at the book that Ciel had been reading and picked it up gently.

"My...Always reading such dark novels isn't he?" The demon chuckled darkly as his eyes glowed fuchsia.

Authors Note: So there it is guys, the first chapter to Broken Smiles! As I said before I was rewriting my old story for I felt a lot of it was too rushed and didn't seem right. This is the new story and I hope you enjoy.

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