Chapter Two: Werewolf

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,,Author's note: Haiiiiii! It's me again, here with another chapter of this story 😩, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter even tho it's a shorter one again. For now I'm leaving you to enjoy this part fully! ❤"

Feeling like screaming, I've put my hand on my mouth not to make any sound. It suddenly turned around and runned off.
The morning came by and I didn't sleep all night. How could even someone sleep after witnessing something like that? Genuinely scared, I thought it would jump through the window and killed me right away, but something scared it off. Those yellow eyes, the piercing stare. It almost felt like it seen through my soul. May those rumors and fairytales be real?- I don't want to believe it but what if it really is true-
Not so confident, I stepped outside my house and made my way to the forest. Again, it was quiet. Everything seemed to get back to normal. It could've been dangerous but still I was little interested in meeting it again. Feels like I'm going crazy, no normal human would like to meet with a beast like that again.
I waited for another evening to come. I've took my stuff as usually and headed to my favorite place. This time, I want to get even closer look. Before leaving I quickly took kitchen knife with me just in case it would like to attack. The sky already got darker as I sat waiting for the night to come. I heard werewolves were only turning on full moon but silently hoped they did on every night. The rumbling came again and I could feel it was the time. I looked around my surroundings that most were just trees and grass with small plants. I sighed noticing something running in the back while howling. Trying to lead it closer to me, it didn't mind me being there at all. I tried to howl to attract it towards my way. It's huge yellow eyes turned at me. Goosebumps got all over my body as I stared at it in far away. I howled again making it run towards me. I backed off a little. As it came out of the shadow I could see it whole. As I expected, it was a werewolf, or at least something that looked like it. I let out my arm near its head. For a second it hesitated but slowly walked closer to me. My hand slowly placed on its rough fur head. Its eyes looked up at me letting me pet it. For my surprise it wasn't dangerous at all, or it didn't really seem like that. Hesitantly I pet it slowly moving my hand around its head. ,, You're a nice one, aren't you? " I said silently. It moved slowly away from me. ,,You don't look like Alpha" I said and looked at its eyes. ,,Did you lost your pack?" I asked again making it move away from me more. As I thought, it ran off and I was left alone deep in the dark forest again. Thinking of leaving the forest to come back home, it came by again holding something in its huge mouth. Eventually it carried a patch of flowers. I took it and looked up. Before even noticing, there was standing a 6 feet 5 inches large male in a ripped shirt and ripped jeans with long brown hair and huge yellow eyes looking down at me. Looking surprised I left my jaw dropped. ,,Greetings" he said and get on one knee. ,,W-Wait, you're really a werewolf?!-" I asked surprised. He just nodded leaving me surprised even more. ,,But aren't werewolves just fairytales?-" I asked and looked around. ,,It makes people feel more safe saying its only fairytales" he said. ,,But where's your pack? Shouldn't you be with them?" My head looking right at him. ,,I'm on the run from my pack, their strict rules and hate made me leave eventually" Him now sitting on the ground in front of me. ,,But are they not searching for you?" I asked worried. ,,I have everything I need here" Him standing up, putting his hand on my cheek looking deep in my eyes. Before even reacting, I felt our lips pressing on each other. I backed off. ,,W-What are you doing?" I asked surprised. ,,I've watched you for a long time now and couldn't help myself thinking about how your sweet pink lips would feel like" Him saying stuff like this made me blush. ,,Wait- How long have you been watching me?!-" I froze for a second. ,, Uhhh... Around two weeks" he said looking a up at the sky thinking. ,,Two weeks?!-" I yelled. He placed his hand on my mouth shutting it. ,,Shhhh" he looked around. ,,We have to run-" he said grabbing my arm. ,,Run where? - What's wrong?" I asked before witnessing him turning back to a werewolf. I didn't know they could turn back and back to human. Me suddenly being throw at his back and him running away quickly.

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