Chapter Six: Attack

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,, Author's Note: It's me again! I'm excited to release this chapter since it's probably the longest one I did so far haha. Also we're slowly getting to 100 reads in full so if you could share this little story with your friends I'll appreciate it! For now enjoy this chapter, byee 💕"

It was slowly turning dark so we decided to go back to the hide out. I fully forgot about what happened and the awkwardness in between us and just enjoyed the time with him alone. Whenever I yell at him I don't really mean it. He only wants to protect me which from the other side is very sweet but I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself. As we got to the hide out as I expected, Cornelia was still sleeping peacefully and it looked like nobody else was there. Everything looked as when we left earlier. ,,As I thought, this is where you've been hiding, Aztec and Alpine would be pleased to hear that" I heard an unknown woman voice. As I looked around there was walking slowly an pretty tall girl with mix of dark and light grey hair and light emerald green eyes from behind the trees our way. ,,I can see that Cornelia is hurt, what did you do to her?~" Her looking at Cornelia laying down sleeping with a hungry eyes for kill. ,,Step away from her" Connor looked very angry. ,,I won't tell anyone and won't hurt her if you'll give him and yourself to me" she pointed at me and smiled psychopathic. ,, I won't "  he said trying to control the situation well. ,,Then I might have just to kill you" with a blink of an eye she turned into a dark grey werewolf jumping right at Connor after him turning to a werewolf too. By her jumping from far at him I was showed away from them. The dark grey werewolf was ripping out Connor's fur all over his body while he was roughly bitting her in the legs, neck and chest trying to rip her a part. Connor has successfully bit his teeth in her neck causing her a terrible pain. If it wasn't enough, Connor got his teeth even deeper in her neck bitting through her artery and right after that ripping her heart out of her chest. His fur fully covered in blood that was still coming out of the now dead werewolf. His eyes showed off pure anger while he panted heavily. I was in shock, he looked like such a beast.  ,,I-Is she dead?-" I asked silently. He didn't seem to listen to me until he turned back and I could tell he wanted to attack me too with no control of his body. Right after he stormed my way I screamed. That made him stop and the blood hunger from his eyes disappeared. My eyes showing off pure fear made him realize that he shouldn't kill me. His eyes surprised to what a beast he turned into for a second. I still didn't understand how Cornelia could sleep through all of this. He fell on a ground right in front of me. I was too scared to touch him right now so I backed off. Him turning back in human form made me realized he has back control of himself. He grabbed my arm and hugged me tightly. ,, I-Im sorry, I was supposed to protect you- and in the end I almost killed you just now-" he began to apologize over and over. Ive pet his head to make him sure everything was alright and I've forgiven him already. Suddenly Cornelia woke up. She looked around and asked  ,,What the fuck has happened here since I was asleep?!-" .   ,,It's a long story" I replied holding Connor's head on my shoulder. ,,We need to get rid of the body" she said. ,,But how?" I asked her curious. Suddenly Connor's voice was heard  ,,Let's return it to the pack" .   ,,Are you nuts?!- Do you want them to kill you? -" Cornelia raised her voice at him. ,,I got nothing to lose, besides they should be on the hunt for food now" He said and raised his head. ,,Okay but first let's get you cleaned up! You're covered in blood-" She said quickly standing up. I've let Connor so he could turn back in werewolf and so did Cornelia. This time she carried me on her back since Connor's was covered in blood. We got to a river that was nearby. Since she let me down and changed back to her human form, Connor has already stormed in it and started splashing around like a little puppy. It was funny looking at him acting like that since he's usually the tough one. Since I got dirty as well I had to take my clothes off and wash with them. Even tho I hesitated at first, I took off my shirt with pants and got in with them. The water was cold but I was used to it since at my neighborhood the hot water was running only sometimes. I felt embarrassed of my body when I was taking off the clothes. Connor changed to his human form as well and couldn't take his eyes from me until I noticed it. He quickly looked away not to make it seem he was looking. I didn't mind it that much since we're both guys. I hope that this kind of situation that happened, won't happen again. After washing all the blood we got out of the river and headed back to the hide out. ,,I'm going to get the body to the pack" Connor said before turning into a werewolf and picking up the dead body making his way behind the tall grass. ,, I hope nothing will happen to him... " I said worried. ,,Don't worry, he'll be okay" Cornelia sat next to me on one of the blankets. It wasn't long and Connor came back safely now without the body anymore. ,,Was the pack here?" Cornelia asked him. ,,No, they've been on a hunt, what a surprise they'll get after returning " he laughed a little. I started remembering a little about what that werewolf said. ,,Earlier the werewolf mentioned someone called Aztec and Alpine, who are they?" I asked them politely. They both looked at each other and sighed. ,,Aztec is an old alpha, and my father..." Connor answered my question looking away. ,,And Alpine was supposed to be Connor's mate but since he ran off she have been searching for him" Cornelia answered the other half of my questions leaving me surprised. ,,And who was that grey werewolf?" I asked curiously. ,,It was Violette, a part of our pack" he said. ,,Oh , I see" I said silently. It might have been somewhere around one or two am in the morning. ,,I think we should get some sleep" Cornelia said and looked at both of us. ,,Some sleep? You? You've slept the whole fucking day-" Connor responded with laugh. ,,I can't stay on the watch out! I'm hurt, remember?" She said laughing too but staying to prove her point. ,,I don't think they'll search for us since the only one who known the location of the hide out was Violette" Cornelia layed down. ,, I think we all should get some sleep" I said sitting down beside her. ,,Well, as you wish" Connor hesitantly sat down as well. After they turned in their werewolf forms we all layed down on yellow ripped blanket that was in the back of the construction. Cornelia turned away from us facing the "wall" and quickly fallen asleep and so did Connor. I couldn't sleep so much. The night was little freezing and so was my body. I tried to get some body heat from Connor but not make it seem so obvious, either way I had to or I would freeze. I found my back placing against Connor's slowly warming my body heat up. He breathed heavily even in his sleep. Since my body warmed up I was able to fall asleep.

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