Chapter Seven: Luna

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,,Author's note: Hey! It's me again! After a little longer I finished this chapter 😩. There will be about 3-4 (maybe more maybe less) more chapters including Epilogue. Also we hit 100 reads in total so I wanted to thank you guys so much for hanging on with this story even tho it might have started a little boring. I'm planning on making more fantasy stories so you can expect new stories with new main heroes haha. And again thank you so much and enjoy this chapter! Peace out❤"

I woke up in the morning since the sun was shining on my face making me open my eyes. I couldn't remeber in which position I fall asleep yesterday but i was sure it wasn't in between Connor's paws and my head placed on his chest. I slowly turned around not to try to wake him up. Cornelia already stormed away somewhere which made me surprised since she's hurt. I though about the worst that could've happened to her before she appeared in the back of the forest carrying something in her arms. ,,I found some berries! Oh- Connor is still sleeping-" she said looking down at me. I carefully got out from between his paws and sat up. ,,I haven't eaten in like ages" I laughed a little. I took some of them quickly putting them in my mouth. ,,Are you sure those are not poisonous? -" I asked her curious. ,,Don't worry! I know every plant in here, I eat those on the daily basis " she said laughing a little. ,,Oh okay" I ate some more before noticing Connor had woken up already turning in his human form. ,,Good morning" he said rubbing the back of his head. ,,Yeah good morning, it's already afternoon" Cornelia laughed at his face which made him growl. ,,Did something happened while I was asleep?" He asked. ,, I just went for some berries " she said. After that, Connor ate some too leaving almostly nothing left from it. ,,What's on the plan today? " I asked quite curious. ,,Since Connor ate almost all of it, we should get more" She said. After couple of minutes we headed out from the hide out to pick up some berries. ,,Hey, how many werewolf's are in your pack?" I asked politely. ,,Me, Connor, Aztec,  Alpine and 4 more females including now dead Violette " Cornelia answered my question with a smile on her face. ,,Are those after you too?" I asked again. ,,I'm not exactly sure" Looking up at the sky thinking. ,,They might be" she said and moved her shoulders. ,, Oh, I see" I replied. Connor wasn't what it seemed like listening to our conversation and just minding his own business.
,,Hey Connor?" Cornelia looked at him. He didn't seem to listen to her at all. ,,Connor!" She yelled at him making him jump from surprised. ,,What are you thinking about? Are you even listening?"
Her asking with a laugh. ,,Huh?- oh, yeah just lately there's been a lot of things on my mind" He said and looked away. What could it be that bothers him and won't leave his head? Could it be the murder? Fear of the pack? Or something different? I decided to not think of it that much. As we got there, surrounding us were a lot of bushes with berries of any kind. Cornelia started picking up some blue ones that looked like blueberries. My eyes caught the green ones shaped like stars. I tried to pick them up but surrounding and protecting them were thorns. 
I successfully picked some of them. ,,What are you picking up?" Cornelia came by after finishing up picking hers. ,,I just found these green ones and I th-" what suddenly stopped me was hearing her almost telling at me  ,,Those are poisonous dummy! You can't pick those up! Oh my god- I hope you didn't get struck by one of the thorns-"
She seemed worried. ,,I didn't, what would happen?" I asked curiously. ,,You would die immediately in a horrible pain. Like if you took a boiling water and poured it on yourself, chopped all of your fingers off and set yourself on fire-" she explained quite disturbing way. I stood frozen for a second. After hearing that I decided to put them were they belong, far away from me. Connor must have sensed something since he raised his head and looked around focused. There was a quick running surrounding us, And what it seemed like huge ocean eyes looking at us from the bushes. Connor quickly turned in his werewolf form jumping in front of me and Cornelia protecting us. A focused stare was followed by a couple of growls that left Connor's mouth. A White-Grey werewolf jumped out of the bushes trying to snatch Connor. He successfully dogged it's attack and grabbed it by the neck leaving deep holes of teeth in it. Connor threw it on the other side leaving it drop on the ground. It tried to stand up but couldn't really do so. Connor came to it closer looking at it. Suddenly it turned back to a human form. Now there was a woman with white hair and ocean blue eyes. ,,I-Im sorry!- I'll leave you alone! - please just spare my life Connor!-" she begged for him to not do anything. He turned I'm him human form as well and kneeled down to her. ,, Don't worry Luna, I already killed one of you and I won't do it again, but you have to promise you'll leave us alone and won't tell Aztec and Alpine, okay?" He asked her with a smile on his face. ,, Y-Yes! I understand! Don't worry your secret is safe with me! -" she replied worried but smiling. ,, Great! Now run, run" He said and by a blink of an eye she standed up and ran away. ,,Wow, that was pretty quick" I said surprised. ,,She's the fastest one of the pack but also very full of fear" He replied cleaning his teeth off of blood. ,,Well I guess I'll go back now, you guys can hang in here for some time if you want!" Cornelia turned away and went her way. ,,O-Oh, sure" I replied silently. After she left, I sat under one of the trees looking up at the sky. Connor decided to sit next to me. ,, Why would Cornelia wanted to leave us two alone eventually?" I asked curiously. ,,I have no idea, but I like it" he said smiling at the sky. ,,Is that so.." I replied and looked away with a little blush on my face. The silence between us came again. Looking around I wondered about why did Cornelia left us alone. ,,The weather is nice today, ain't it?" He said trying to break the silence. Quickly turning back at him with a slightly angered look I grabbed his head moving it towards mine saying ,,Just shut up-".  Even before he could react to what I did, our lips were touching eachother first once, then twice, third time, four time, and many more times. Connor's arm pressed against the tree we were sitting under leaving me covered in his shadow. His other arm wrapped around my back. I raised my legs placing them behind him. His hand found it's way around my back under my shirt. Suddenly I pushed him away from me. ,,I-I don't think that's a good idea-" Not to make eye contact I looked away from him.  ,,What do you mean?" He asked me curiously. ,, I-Im sorry" I apologize. ,, You don't have to apologize" He responded with a smile on his face. ,,Let's just wait a little longer" I said and looked at him. He smiled kissing my forehead  ,,Sure" .

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