Chapter Five: Quick Run

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,, Author's note: Hello! It's me again and again and again-. Anyway, there's another chapter I made like, yesterday- because I got writers block. That's why I didn't uploaded. With all that said, enjoy this one! ❤"

Couple of hours went by and the hide out seemed to be effective. We didn't hear from the pack not only a howl. It was nice to have some peace for once. By the time went by, Connor came back with some food and Cornelia felt better eventually although her wound was still hurting. She wouldn't be able to move much for some time now until she heals. Most of the time she just slept either in her werewolf or human form in the back of the construction on a red blanket. Even if we didn't hear the pack we still had to have our eye on them. They could've come any second from anywhere and we would have problems. I tried not to think of it much and enjoy the time with them until I still had it. ,,Can I ask you something?" I looked at Connor. He looked at me back listening to what I was about to ask. ,,Who is your mate?" I asked politely. His eyes showed off pure surprise and a little bit of anger. ,,Why do you wanna know that?" He asked. ,,Well since we've spent some time together and I want to know more about you, I'm jealous of Cornelia because she knows you the best" Me looking away not to make eye contact and seem like begging. ,,I suppose she does" he said silently. ,,So what's the answer?" I asked. ,,I don't have a mate" he looked back at me. ,,Oh, I see" I responded embarrassed. ,, I'm sorry for asking" moving a little away from him his eyes landed on me again. ,,It's okay" I could feel his eyes going all over each and every part of my body. ,,Is Cornelia still slee-" instead of my head turning back at her , it found itself in Connor's huge hands. I looked at him confused before witnessing his face quickly moving closer to mine. His lips now touching mine roughly made me back off although I didn't wanted to. Not so long until his lips touched mine for the second and third time in a row making me surprised more. Suddenly he pulled away himself and looked in front of him like nothing happened. I quickly placed my hand on my mouth not to guarantee him an access to my mouth again. ,,Sorry" he said silently. ,, I-It's fine I guess-" I looked away a little embarrassed. The awkward silence between us was so thick you could've cut it with a knife. ,, I'm might go for a run" he said standing up. ,,Take me with you!-" I yelled looking at him. ,,But what about Cornelia? "I asked him. ,,We'll be back in a minute" Him looking to each side of the forest just to make sure no one was around. After turning back into a werewolf he sat down so I could get myself on his back. I tried to hold on to his fur not to fall down but carefully not to rip it out. By the blink of an eye he stormed away. I couldn't even react and saw we were already far away from the hide out. ,,H-Hey slow down!-" I tried to stop him running so far but he didn't listened. The wind was waving through my  black hair and the left sunshine of the evening was landing on it as well making my hair sparkle. So does Connor's brown fur did. I tried to not worry about the speed so much and just enjoy the fresh wind. The whole forest was empty, not a single animal was around. Connor was jumping on and off of fallen trees and logs making his way far. I felt bad for going with him and leaving Cornelia alone especially when she's still hurt but Connor said it was just for a moment so that can't be bad, right? From no where Connor turned back to his human form making us both fall on the ground. My head hit one of the near trees and I started growling from nowhere. ,, Are you alright?" He looked worrying at me. ,,Y-Yeah I'm fine" I said. Then his loud laugh started to pierce my ears,, Why are you growling on the tree?".  ,,I don't know, maybe I'm starting to act up like you since I'm with you some time now" I laughed as well. He kneeled down beside me and held my head where it hurt. ,,Are you sure you're alright?" His voice sounded calmly and sweet. ,,Yeah.." I said looking at him with eyes opened all the way. The sun was shining at him from behind making his hair glow, and with his beautiful calm smile on his face all the pain went away.

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