4. What Is It That You Are Hiding?

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"Is this why you have been so eager to reach on time?" Xie Yun looked at A'Fei's smile as she asked the question, looked at her wandering eyes taking in the beauty of the elaborate boat before them and felt all the exhaustion of travelling and getting late was worth it.

"Yes. The boat is one of a kind and only travels to Penglai twice, every new moon. Set out very early and is very fast" Along each side of the boat were a set of 6 rowers ready to set out. There were no other passengers but them. He paid the price and helped A'Fei onboard. It was a very large boat, capable of carrying more than its current weight. There were two attendees to relieve them and he graciously accepted all the hospitality, getting a room assigned, asking for wine and food.

"Do you want to stay here or upstairs?" There were two levels to the boat, truly one of a kind.

"Anywhere is fine." A'Fei was smiling, her eyes still going around, taking everything in. He let her breathe in the beauty as he took in her beauty. He had everything he wanted in life at that moment. He placed their bundles down for the moment and gathered her in his arms from behind, breathing in the scent of cherry blossom and dirt road they have been travelling for more than 7 days. He rested his chin at the top of her head and felt her slump back into his chest. They were both tired from travelling ever since they set out but Xie Yun's heart still skipped a little and he wanted more.

Now, they can finally begin enjoying their journey. He looked around, "It really is beautiful. They crafted the special boat to have a ceremony across all river lands when the last king was born. It was out of commission after that. Later, it was gifted to his dearest friend and businessman as a token of friendship. The merchant went out of business after many years and his son picked up this souvenir and with the king's permission began a small business by using this boat for people who liked to travel around in beauty and luxury. This is still one of its kind, even though the king wanted to give more of these to help his friend's son. Have him live a good life but the man refused. Since it is one of a kind still, the prices are quite high and the family lives comfortably. It is though not as good as their former life but it is good enough."

"Do you know them personally?"

"Xie Yun shook his head. I have only ever met them twice at uncle birthday banquet once and at new years many years ago."

A'Fei didn't ask more. Xie Yun didn't talk about his that side of life often. He preferred not to.

After he completed the story, he looked at the items in the room, simple but expensive furniture, seats, tables, some hays and mats as well and a rolled away partition, Xie Yun suspected for the comfort and sleep of solo travellers. There were only a few decoration pieces like lavender jades, pearl and seal hangings, and paintings. The first floor was very beautiful.

"Where does it go for a fortnight before coming back to Penglai?" Xie Yun smiled at the drowsy tone of his wife. She was tired. He, too, felt fatigue take over his body.

"It has a fixed path. A complete route it takes from the Himalayas to Penglai and back. Anyone who wishes to travel in it knows the route, time and date of its docking."

"Haaaaa..." the words were lost in a yawn and Xie Yun tried to hold his laughter but his body shook and A'Fei hit his chest with the back of her head. It was feeble enough for him to realize she was going to sleep right here in a few minutes.

"Sleep A'Fei. There is still time before we reach the shore. Let's go." she didn't reply as he let her go and pulled her through the steep wooden steps to an upper level. It was a tiny corridor and two separate areas on either side of the small aisle. Xie Yun pulled the lightweight door on his right and pulled A'Fei after him. He latched the bamboo door and saw A'Fei had already flopped on the bed, sat cross-legged and once again, looked around.

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