29. Maybe We Can Sell Sabers and Swords

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"I thought you wanted to stay longer," A'Fei packed her bag, this time discarding the added weight.

"What are you going to do with this?" A'Fei looked at the large pile of clothes, jwellery and other gifts they had collected in Sangmin. She really liked the dress she was sending back. But functionality was her priority right now.

"I will send it to 48 stronghold's secret service and get it sent back home." she pulled the string tight and moved to the packed bag next to hers.

"What are you doing with my luggage. I am not leaving anything behind."

"Leave you fragments of the map with my belongings. I don't want it to get lost again." She looked for a faded white cloth Xie Yun had been painting roads and mountains and symbols she didn't understand. Once she was done, it looked like Xie Yun's bag was lighter than hers.

"What did you bring in your luggage, other than the map?" she turned around, he was still working on another map piece.

"Only two pair of clothes," she turned back with a smile. Xie Yun never recognised it but underneath all the flare and fanfare, Xie Yun was similiar to her in some ways. For one, he was basic. She had three pair of clothes and two additional warm clothes Xie Yun had bought for her during these days.

"North will be colder," he had whispered to her when the friendly seller was busy finding the perfect fit for her. They had been followed always, there room was often strewn but she had learned to relax amidst all that, thanks to her playful husband. She had even stopped wondering what these people were looking for, that too with no discression.

Once she freshened up, Xie Yun was adding the newest map fragment to the large pile.

They headed out early noon and headed straight for the doctor's shop in the city. She flashed her token, dumped her items on the counter, made a quick comment, "Send it back to the stronghold," and headed out immediately.

"A'Fei. What's the hurry?"

"I saw Mr. Bai?" Xie Yun followed her line and saw what she meant.

Mr. Bai was buying supplies with his second-in-command in tow. The man was stuck like glue to Mr.Bai these past days. They had met up often. They projected a plan to stay and recuperate. They had met with Mr. Xu separately.

"I am really heading to Henyang." Mr. Xu had said. He added before leaving, "You shouldn't involve Madam Nichang in this."

Mr. Bai said something to the imposter pointing at a item in the distance but the man only stepped back and called the shopkeeper in a loud voice, "Two of those water jars kind sir."

The happy seller, tossed them two bottles and caught his two coins. The imposter was keeping an eye on Mr. Bai, he couldn't have made it more clearer. The act was paper thin.

"Let's go down."

"Don't you want to change? You are still in your clothes from yesterday."

Xie Yun looked down at himself. He indeed was. A'Fei had spent the night on the roof of Mr. Bai's stay, deep in the city, while Xie Yun lay back beside her, calling out constellations and patterns, stories and predictive meaning behind their movement. He predicted their future was fraught with troubles. A'Fei has given him an amused skeptical look. Since his nights were consumed, he was working in the morning hours.

He nodded and they headed back. This time, they went out the front door. Mr. Xu had left their horse behind but no matter how much he protested, A'Fei arranged for another horse. He shifted the baggage comfortably on both their horses. The plan was for one of them to walk along the street while the other followed on the roof. He didn't agree with the idea but A'Fei told him that she was safer than he was with the WitherBloom and the stone marble with her.

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