5. A'Fei Will Prepare A Piece of Literature

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When Xie Yun's shoes sank into the sandy banks of Penglai he felt happy. This was the only home he had ever know, no matter for how brief of a time. He had somewhere to return to if he ever wanted. Though he never wanted it until he met A'Fei. He loved the life of travel. There was an exhilaration in knowing the world and his home was his wife. But this time around he wanted to show her around the places that held his good childhood memories, now matter how few.

The masters were, for the first time standing ashore, to greet him, to greet them. No, to greet her. All three of the immortals were looking at A'Fei fondly. It made him proud of her.

"How come you give such a welcome to her but not me?" he put his hands to his waist and called out his masters. He didn't care of the boat behind them nor for the wife beside him as he called out his masters for such partiality. The masters only smiled.

"You are always welcome here. It is so rare that we get to see someone else." The old fisherman called out, without even sparing him a glance. He walked to A'Fei and held her hands, "Welcome. We are so excited that you are finally staying for some time."

"Yes. Yes. I can teach you some literature now." The third master called, a little satisfied, chin up.

"We are only here until the next new moon." he announced but was adamantly ignored. 

"Oh! Come. come. Let's rest inside and talk." Master Tong ushered her in and he was left behind to follow with an expression of dramatic indignation. 

He stood still on the sandy banks, the early morning sea, lapping at his heels, his heart full and content. Master Tong stopped right before all of them disappeared around the corner. He looked back and smiled fondly, motioning for him to follow. He smiled back. He turned back to the boat, gave his well-wishes, paid them handsomely and was soon on his way.

Inside, A'Fei looked a little caught, lost between second master and third master, talking over one another, too quickly for her to answer, interject or even comprehend. Master Tong was looking amused right before he shifted all their attention to him.

"How are you Anzhi?" 

"I am good. How are all of you?"

"We are good. Great even. It not everyday that we get a chance to do something different than usual. Preparing for a wedding is one of those things."

"I have been meaning to ask. What happens at a immortal wedding tradition? I don't think I have ever heard of any wedding happening here."

"Because, we never had a wedding here. This is after all a monastery" Xie Yun looked understandingly at Master Tong's response. They were after all, three old bachelors. In all of Xie Yun's memory, they have just been that. Old. Xie Yun felt the small jade tabs in his sash pouch and realized what he wanted to draw. The wedding.

Xie Yun went about the caves to settle his and A'Fei's things, went to the kitchen, tempted by the smell of food, then made his way to the beach seeing some beautiful shell littering. He still remembered the time he made A'Fei her first gift and she refused to remove it for a really long time. It was all yellowed, chipping and grimy when she finally did. Maybe he'd make a new one for her. He had all the time in the world this time. He should make one of pearls.

Excited with his own idea and ready to tease A'Fei he made his way back to them and still found them at it. 

"Anzhi. I have decided what my ritual for the wedding will be. A'Fei will need to prepare a piece of literature." The third master declared proudly. Xie Yun looked back at A'Fei but she looked no different than before. No smile, nor any hesitation. As ever just a determined set of eyes. Before he could ask her how this had come about, the second master turned around and added his ritual, "I want to have an exchange of handmade gifts. I am thinking sabers but I haven't decided yet. Maybe full body armor. Nah. It will take too long."

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