7. How can we name a Sea Turtle, Sea Turtle?

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"Haigui." A'Fei couldn't help laughing. Even as she pressed her lips together, a few giggles bubbled over as Xie Yun kept repeating the name over and over again.

"Master, you seriously can't be considering this. How can we name a Sea Turtle, Sea Turtle? It's like naming you old man."

"Well, you do call us old men." The second master interjected with a laugh and Xie Yun could only look from one to other in disbelief. They were all letting it happen.

"But..." Seeing Xie Yun at a loss, A'Fei only hunched over double, completely giggling now. She had not expected such a strong reaction from Xie Yun.

Xie Yun watched the creature being talked about was settled leisurely on the large sandy bank, soaking every bit in seawater. Xie Yun and Second Master were dripping wet. Turned out, when Haigui left and Mistress Li, he learned couldn't swim, almost drowned, A'Fei took off running and jumped after her alongside LiSheng and her father. She was quick and reached Mistress Li first. After they were all back at the lakeside and resting. The couple was sent to the small cottage, the masters had set up for just the two of them, at the opposite side of the island. It was a little isolated, just enough. When they finally entered their chambers, A'Fei completely soaked, her veil a bunch of red mass sticking to the back of her head, Xie Yun pulled her into a hug and proceeded to help her change, no sexual intentions in the act. But he couldn't miss teasing her a bit.

"Definitely not water grass," he whispered, finally taking her to bed. And A'Fei?

A'Fei never complained, rather she all but collapsed. She must have been exhausted. Xie Yun spent the night admiring her beauty until his own exhaustion took over. Master Tong always brought him news of what A'Fei had been up to for the whole day and turned out, she didn't sleep much the day before the wedding in favor of completing the sabre, learning the prose and cooking, nor thr day before that for she started the saber making just the night before. He felt bad for getting her into this mess in the first place. He was content to hold her close through the night and see her relaxed and happy in the morning but no. 

Haigui sent another jolt through the island as if knocking into the very foundations of the place. Unlike the last two times, this one seems to go on and on until both of them were off the bed, limbs jumbled, onto the floor. Xie Yun felt his heart race as the vibrations stopped and he found his legs tangled with A'Fei, her knees straddling his right leg and her hands, stuck behind his back while his own was pressed between them while his left leg was over her body. The memory was still fresh in his head.

"Are you alright?" Xie Yun could feel the coarseness of his own voice and felt the soft vibrations of her positive 'hm' in his chest. She had just woken up, which added to her allure. Darting her eyes away, she untangled and sat up, only to land in a very provocative position with her on his lap, bracketing his hips. Blood rushed and ringed in his ears as A'Fei smiled slowly. He would have caught her close if she did not jump back mischievously. 

They hurried out to see what the commotion was but it once again struck Xie Yun that there were many people capable of taking care of the situation.

"A'Fei. I think we should freshen up and get changed." A'Fei looked at herself and the two realised that Xie Yun was still in his luxurious robes while A'Fei was still in some caked and cracking makeup. Back in the residence, as he went about his business and prepared a bath he saw A'Fei sitting cluelessly in front of the reflective surface. Her helplessness was an endearing sight. 

"Let me." he walked over with a wet cloth, turned her towards himself and gently rubbed away the rouge and ruse from her face. The only thing he let be was the thick black line over her eyes that made her eyes seem bigger. When he came to her lips, he realized she was smiling. After removing the color there, he leaned in kissed the cherry plump lips, a little jutting and swollen from rubbing.

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