28. We Could Have Used the Door

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"A'Fei. Wait. It's a feint." Xie Yun words paused his wife just outside the cover of the tree.

True to his prediction, Mr. Xu rolled away and Feng Feng came down on empty ground. But instead of going after the peddler's leader, he picked something, tucked in and jumped back to the horse that was just about to calm down.

Xie Yun reached for A'Fei's wrist and pulled her back under the cover as Feng Feng turned the horse in their direction. Only when the sound of hooves was gone and no prickling feeling crawled over A'Fei did the pair leave their place.

Mr. Xuan was still breathing heavily, lying on the freshly cut cropland.

"The letter should have left yesterday." Xie Yun spoke slowly, hoping Mr. Xuan would fill in the end.

"We encountered White Tiger's people right outside the city borders. It was as if they knew what we were up to."

"They probably did." Xie Yun concluded.

"How did you escape?" A'Fei interjected.

"We set a distraction by sending the letter meant for interception with one of the peddlers. Everyone rushed after it. I lingered in the city for a day before setting out to meet Bai."

Xie Yun nodded, "Let us leave at once. We cannot accompany you but we will follow you."

"But Feng Feihui will reach Bai before we do." Mr. Xuan frowned alongside A'Fei but Xie Yun just shook his head with a smile, "It doesn't matter."

Mr. Xu, as a peddler was used to following orders and instructions without question. He looked about himself in the early morning light before greeting the couple officially. Xie Yun waved his hand with the air of an aristocrat as rare occasion. This had the effect he wanted and Mr. Xu was at once in action.

"You can take the horse, we will follow you." A'Fei's Qing dong wasn't as developed as his but he could simply help her along. But he dared not say those words to A'Fei as he knew her Qingdong had developed rapidly in their ears apart and his words would get him a beating. 

He passed the reigns to the man and without waiting for an answer turned around, caught A'Fei's waist and disappeared into the shelter of trees.

"Where are we headed?" A'Fei let herself be swept. He knew he couldn't move her if she didn't want him to.

"I am not sure. We will just follow Mr. Xu."

"Where were we headed if we didn't meet Mr. Xu?"

"Heroes' Valley," he added as an afterthought, "sooner or later."

He quickly followed up, stopping at a low tree branch, "People won't bother us if we keep a low profile. Unless we don't pick fights, we will be alright, safe even."

"Who picks fights?" A'Fei sounded irritated and Xie Yun gave throaty chuckle, "None of us. It's just that bad luck follows us around whenever we set foot outside 48 stronghold."

"This time it's only White Tiger." A'Fei shrugged before catching his shoulder and swinging herself on his back. He knew this was more convenient for them both.

"Last time it was only Disha." He mimicked her tone and got pinched.

They have been running instead of travelling ever since they had set out of Sangming.

"I didn't envision the journey to be like this when I first planned it."

"Next time, factor in the back luck."

"With such luck, we should rather stay put at 48 stronghold." he jumped from the tree branch to a particularly low rock jutting out from under the tree.

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