"Shut up!"

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"Are you serious?" You said when JJ had closed the door after seeing you, "get me out of here JJ!!" You yelled after him after you heard him lock the door.

"Please JJ!" You banged on the door, "god! Do you ever shut up!" He yelled back, "can you please just let me out! I don't wanna be here either!" You shouted back only for no one to respond.

"Please JJ..." you said this time instead of shouting, giving up at this point, that was until the door opened and you immediately got out, and walked away from him, "really not even a thank you?" He said angry, "thanks." You said sarcastically, "why are you mad at me?!" He yelled, "did you know about this!" You yelled back at him, "no... no I didn't know or I wouldn't have even gotten on the boat in the first place!" He yelled this time stepping closer to me,

"Then why were you being so nice to me yesterday and the day before that!" You yelled stepping closer to him only to get no response, "huh?! Why! If you hate me so much why?!" You yelled again, "because!" He said looking up from his feet but still not giving you an answer, "why!" You yelled again.

"Because I thought that maybe for once in your life you could stop being such a narcissistic bitch, and be a nice person, but I guess you proved me wrong!"

And with that he walked away into the other room you still on the outside of the boat shocked at what he had just said without you realizing a tear had started running down your cheek, you quickly whipped it away and you just sat at the edge of the boat, not really knowing what to do.

"So you have nothing to say then?" JJ said from behind you, "your words don't affect me, they never did and they never will." Lie, "oh really? Cause that's not what it seemed like that in 8th grade?" He said walking up and sitting next to you, "are you proud? Are you proud that you hurt me? Was that your goal all along? To be friends with me when no one else liked me and then throw me away like it was nothing? Like I was nothing?!" You yelled at him letting all your emotions out for the first time in a long time.

"Y/n...." was all he said, really that was it that was all he had to say?! "Don't even." You said walking away and into the bedroom that was inside the boat, "oh yeah, just walk away walk away like you always do! Like you did to me that same night!" He yelled running after you,

"Are you kidding me?!" You yelled getting in his face, "it was you it was your fault I walked away you just won't admit that to yourself and to John b, pope, Kiara, or me you're just a scared little boy!" You yelled, "shut up! Shut up! Shut up y/n!" He yelled pointing his finger in your face, "go ahead yell at me all you'd like but I'm just gonna yell right back because you deserve it! Nothing I'm saying to you adds up to what you said to me that night! It's your fault! You did this JJ!" You yelled tears spilling out of your eyes unable to control them any more.

That's when it happened, oh my god, you realized he was kissing you! Why?! Why was he kissing you he hated you and you hated him that's how it's supposed to be, right...?

You finally got yourself together and pushed him away, "what?" You said confused JJ was just looking down at his feet and walked out of the room, "I'll sleep on the floor tonight," he said you could hear the hurt in his voice and you just wanted to hold him you wanted to hold him so bad but you couldn't that's not how this works he hurt you so he needs to hurt... right? Yes.

Time Skip~

You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes your throat and eyes had burned from all the yelling and crying from the night before, everything coming back to you, you went to the room to see JJ still sleeping on the floor next to the bed, you went to grab your phone to see a text from John b.

John b🎣

John b🎣
So... how'd it go...

Um not good... we fought... a lot.

John b🎣
Oh we're coming right now so don't worry...


Then You were thinking that maybe You should call your mom you know just to see how she was doing... and if she missed you at all..

Ring ring- declined ok well never mind that.

So you decided to go to the bathroom but when you looked at yourself in the mirror what looked back at you was a messy haired, red puffy eyed, mascara running down her face, y/n

"Wow you look rough." JJ laughed from behind you. You just turned around and flipped him off and walked out.

Time Skip~

John b's boat had pulled up, "wow.."he said looking at you, "shut up." You said jumping in the boat already knowing what he was going to say about your appearance and you didn't want to hear it right now, "ok then let's rock and roll!" John b said after JJ had gotten in the boat.

Time Skip~

You had asked John b do drop you off at the dock by your house, now you were home getting dressed when your mom burst in the door, "where have you been?!" She yelled, "what does it matter to you?!" You yelled back, "probably fucking some guy huh?!" She yelled again, "was not! Shut up!" You yelled at her only to feel her fist meet your face, but it was nothing that hadn't happened before, "you're a useless whore!" she yelled walking out of your room and slamming the door. Wow what a good day so far huh...

Madi Speaks‼️
So my sister follows me on here 😭
So hopefully she doesn't read my smut book😩
Anyway I love you all thanks for reading
I hope you have  a good day, night, or after noon‼️💜

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