Hito Joins Training!

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Present Mic POV-

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside, I yawn as quietly as I could as to not wake Shou up. I go to stand up but quickly grab my beside table for support as I fall "Shou really went hard yesterday" I mutter as I try to stabilise myself.

Shou- "you asked for it" he smirked

I jump as I did not expect him to be awake and pout as he smirks. He slowly stands up and wraps his hands around my waist. Shou- "Feel lucky that I didn't go all out". My breath hitched, remembering the time he made me unable to walk for a month.

"Lets check up on Izu and Hito o-okay?" Shou nods and heads out of the room. i let out sigh of relief and head downstairs with shou.

Shou- "thats strange...."

"whats wrong Shou?"

Shou- "They arent here."#

"WHAT? Lets search the house"

We searched all around the house 5 times.

"Dammit where are they?!"

Shou- *sighs* "For gods sake"


Shou- "look at the garden"

"um okay?"

I see a tent perched up in our backyard that hadn't been there the day before.

(They aren't actually there are they?) Me and Shou walk outside and open the tent, as soon as we see the scene infront of us we both scramble for our phones. I reach mine first and instantly snap a picture of Shinso and Izuku cuddling. After a few seconds I accidentaly move my foot and alert the sleeping figures in front of me.

Izuku POV-

"Who the hell woke me up!"

Aizawa-"Why are you sleeping out here problem child?"

I mutter "I'm not dealing with this alone" I shake Hito awake.


"They want to know why we slept out here."


I chuckle and almost break down laughing at the face of confusion from the two pro-heroes infront of me.

"Fine i'll explain" Their faces relaxed slightly.

"So we came home and saw that nobody was downstairs so we decided to go upstairs and were about to knock on the door when we heard Mic shout "FUCK YES, HARDER SHOU" at that point we were already traumatised so we decided to sleep outside but you were fucking so hard we were worried the window would break from How much it was shaking." I took a big breath after all that and couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter at their faces, soon after Hito joined me.

We saw Mic And PencilTip turn as red as tomatoes

Aizawa- *mumbles* "Stupid problem children"

and Mic was frozen in place until he shouted "YOU HEARD THAT?!"

Hito-"YeP" he popped the P as we walked out of the tent. We went inside the house and looked at one another before breaking out into another fit of laughter at their reactions and tears due to the fact we would never get that voice or image out of our heads. We didn't know which was worse...

"...We have training today..."

Hito- "What's wrong with that?"

"We just humiliated PencilTip and the Cockatoo, he isnt going to be nice (then again he never really, i've seen him train his class but i have a feeling our punishment will be much worse)."

Hito- "Shit"


Hitoshi POV-

Izu really wasn't kidding when he said that Dad would make us regret ever mentioning what happened last night and in all honesty i agreed with him.

Izu- "DUCK!" I crouch just in time to avoid dad's scarf, i grab it and pull him towards me. He lands his feet on my face, I fall to the ground, as he is about to wrap me in his capture scarf, izu appears behind him and kicks him to the side with a spin kick. Before dad is out of reach, izu grabs his scarf and throws him like a ragdoll. I stiffle a laugh not wanting to trifle with Dads fury any longer. Izu stretches his hand out to me, I take it and he lifts me up.
Izu-" Try and see if you can distract him, I'll take care of the rest" I nod and head of in Dads direction. I glance back at Izu to see him disappear (I guess he already warped into a shadow).

•Thank you for the support, yesterday we were #11 on SHINDEKU today #12 so thank you  all so much you have no idea how happy I felt/feel btw another book might start as I also make this one!•

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