Heroes V Villains!

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3rd POV-
Izuku and Hitoshi were now sitting next to bakugo who was extremely happy that Izuku let him sit next to him though he made sure he had that everlasting scowl on his face so no one thought he was getting soft. They were all chatting together until they all heard the door slam open.
All Might- I AM HERE! Walking through the door like a normal person!"
1-A- "All Might?!"
All Might dramatically walks to the front of the class in his Silver Age costume.
All Might- "Hello young heroes! Your costumes are inside your according locker! Change into them and then meet me at City 2 !"
1-A- "Hai Sensei!" They all stood up and collected their costumes.

Dekus costume-

-art not mine-Izuku, Hitoshi and Bakugou walked outside, now in their costumes, and sat down on the ground whilst they waited

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-art not mine-
Izuku, Hitoshi and Bakugou walked outside, now in their costumes, and sat down on the ground whilst they waited. Once all the others had appeared, All Might landed infront of them.
All Might- "Now that you are all changed , put your hand into this box, depending on which colour and number you have will determine your team. Izuku went up first and pulled out a red ball with the number 4 on it. Hitoshi grabbed a blue ball with the number 7 on it and Bakugou grabbed a red ball with the number 3. After the rest of the students grabbed a ball, the teams where announced.
Villains- Mina and Kaminari VS Heroes- Shinso and jirou for Round 1.
Round 2 is Villains- Bakugou and Deku VS Tsu and Uraraka
Round 3
Mineta and Momo VS Kirishima and Sero
-Then the rest were displayed-

All Might - "Villains may now Enter the building"
Mina and Kaminari entered the large building that loomed infront of them.
Mina- "I know just where to put the bomb!"

After a few minutes, the heroes where allowed in.
Jirou listened for footsteps through the walls.
Jirou- "They're on the 10th floor. Kaminari is on the 7th."
Shinso nodded and slowly crept up the stairs and walked through the corridors with Jirou. When they had reached the 7th floor , Shinso looked around and tuned his mask -the one from the new season- to sound like Mina.
Shinso- "Kaminari! I found them, help!"
A loud "EHH?!" Could be heard through the corridors , accompanied by loud footsteps.
Kaminari- "Where are you!?"
Shinso- "Don't you see me?"
Kaminari- "N-" Kaminari stopped as his eyes glazed over and turned into a dusty white.
Shinso deactivated his mask.
Shinso- "Get mina to go down to the 5th floor"
Kaminari then walked away and up the stairs. Shinso and Jirou made sure to hide as the two 'Villains' walked down the stairs. Once they where one floor apart from eachother, shinso and jirou ran upstairs and put their palms on the bomb. All Mights voice rang out.
All Might- "Heroes WIN!"
Shinso and Jirou high-fived and went down the stairs to meet a disoriented Denki and pouting Mina.
Denki- "That was so cool!"
Mina, who was still pouting, smiled and agreed though she was still a bit annoyed. Shinso chuckled at the scene infront of him along with a smirking Jirou. They started to talk as they walked back to the others. Once they had reached the rest of the class, The next round was called.
All Might- "Villains, make your way into the building."
Bakugou and Izuku then rushed up the stairs of the specific building.
Izuku- "I can hide in the bombs or pillars shadow, you should stay nearby , though Tsu and Uraraka don't have very offensive quirks they may know hand to hand combat."
Bakugou nodded and made his way to the 17th floor whilst Deku deposited the bomb on the 19th floor. Once the 'heroes' entered the building, they made sure they were alert at all times.
The 'heroes ' had now encountered Bakugou.
Bakugou- "Took long enough for you to get here pink cheeks, you too froggy!"
Tsu lashed her tongue towards him, bakugo stepped back and casted an explosion, stinging Tsu's tongue. Uraraka grabbed Tsu and tried to make a run for the stairs before Bakugo used his explosions to block their path.
Tsu, who had now unraveled herself from Uraraka's grip, wrapped her tongue around Bakugou's waist before throwing him down the stairs. She ignored the burning of her tongue and ran up the stairs, a shocked Uraraka behind her. Deku, who was still hidden in the shadows, gripped one of his smoke bombs from his pocket. As Tsu and Uraraka made it to the 19th floor, the room was suddenly covered by thick, white fumes. They tried to feel their way around before Uraraka gave a loud Yelp as she was tackled to the ground. Footsteps could be heard as they seemed to be running up several stairs. Tsu , who was now worried for her companion, knew bakugou was on his way. Tsu lashed her tongue out, trying to feel for the bomb before All Mights voice could be heard.
All Might- "Uraraka has been Captured"
Tsu jumped into the air as someone tried to swipe at her. The smoke was beginning to slowly clear. A large explosion could be heard, Tsu turned around to see an explosion heading right towards her. She jumped away only to be grasped tightly. Loud footsteps made themselves over to her and she struggled against Deku as he wrapped her in Capture tape.
All Might - "Villains win!"
Cheering, Deku and Bakugou bumped fists before unwrapping Tsu and Uraraka.
Deku- "That wasn't bad"
Uraraka nodded and smiled at Bakugo. Deku noticed her blush that always seemed permanent deepen but ignored it, deeming it unimportant.

•who should be with Bakugou? •

They walked back to the others and continued watching the rest of the matches. Denki and Mina had begun to talk with the trio -Bakugou, Hitoshi and Deku- as they watched the others. Kirishima and Sero had then joined in but sero had mostly talked with Kaminari. After all the matches where concluded they left , unaware of a certain someone who had been watching them.

???- "Izuku Midoriya....I've finally found you"

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