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Damon's pov

I've been pacing back and forth for hours.  At least it feels like it's been hours.  I've probably drank more than I should drink.   And I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my mind.  What the hell did I do to Alexandra?  I did this to her.  I turned her into a vampire.  And now I have to watch her struggle...now I have to watch her go through all the bad things that come with being a vampire.  I ruined her life.

I thought I'd love this day.  I thought I'd love the day Alexandra became a vampire.  That would mean we get to be together forever.  But I can't stand it.  I can't stand myself. 

"Damon" I heard and looked to see Elena walk into the house.

"What, Elena" I said.

"We need to talk..." She said.

"No, we don't need to talk about anything.  Okay? I'm done talking for the night" I said still pacing and go to pour a drink but realize the bottle is empty.

"Are you drunk?" Elena said.

"What do you care?" I said.

"What, are you pitying yourself? Punishing yourself for turning Alex into a vampire?!" She said.

"You seem quite angry" I said.

"I mean...this is your fault, Damon" She said.

"You don't think I know that, Elena?!" I said pissed and she sighed.

"Look...I'm sorry.  What's done is done.  We need to come up with a plan now" She said.

"A plan? A plan for what, exactly? Huh?" I said.

"For what to do with Alex.  For how to help her" She said.

"There's no guide book on being a vampire" I said.

"You know, what? Nevermind, Damon.  I'll figure this out on my own" She said and turned to leave and I sigh.

"Wait" I said and she stopped and turned to me.  "I don't know how to help her or what to do, okay? I don't know how she's going to handle all of this.  The best thing I've got is to just take it day by day" I said and she just stared at me and then nodded.

"Okay" She said.

"Where is she?" I said.

"Oh...she's at my house.  She's fine" She said.

"Does she happen to be at your house alone?" I said looking to her.

"Umm..." She started saying and then her face dropped.  "Dammit" She continued.

"Call her right now" I said putting my jacket on and then making my way to the door.  Elena and I leave the house and then we both start walking down the driveway and she sighs.

"No answer" She said.

"You really left her there alone?!" I said.

"I wasn't thinking, okay?!" She said.

"Well, next time...think harder" I said and then we both stopped when we saw Alexandra standing in front of us.  My face just drops a little and I see her standing there with blood on her.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now