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Damon's pov

I wince and I open my eyes and instantly feel pain flood throughout my head. I just blink a couple times with my head down and then notice I can't move my arms. I look to see that they're chained and I'm tied to a chair.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me" I said groaning. I then feel even more pain in my chest and see something is stabbed into me.

"Uh, Stefan!" I said. Of course my idiotic brother would do this in his state of mind. I sigh and then look down to see my daylight ring on the ground. "Low blow, Stefan. Low blow" I continued.

"Damon" I heard and my heart dropped. I look over to the corner to see Alexandra chained up too.

"Alexandra" I said trying to break free.

"STEFAN! Stefan, let us go!" I started yelling.

"Damon..." She said with concern in her voice.

"I'm going to kill him. What kind of messed up game is this" I said.

"Damon...this wasn't Stefan" She said and I just stared at her.

"Who the hell was it then?" I said. I hear her go to speak up but then the curtain in the room opens letting light in and we both start to scream. I feel the light burning my skin and I try breaking away again.

Suddenly the blinds are shut and I look over to see Stefan. "Now...how did you guys get yourself in this situation?" He said.

"Oh, you mean to say your sick mind wasn't apart of this?" I said.

"No, actually. Pretty creative though" Stefan said.

"Stefan...please just break the chains" Alexandra said and he walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Get angry...you'll be able to break them with ease" He said and I saw Alex's face drop a little. She just stares at him and then he sighs and stands up and breaks her chains and she stands up.

"Still need a little push" He said and then started to leave the room. I watch as he leaves and goes upstairs and then Alex walks over to me breaking my chains and I stand up. I rub my wrist and then I pick up our daylight rings on the ground and slide mine on and then put hers back on.

"Are you okay?" She said.

"Fine. Are you?" I said putting my hand on her and she nodded.

"Okay...now I have two questions for you. First of all, who did this? Second...what the hell is going on with you and Stefan now?" I said and she just sighed.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" She said motioning to Stefan being upstairs.

"Let's go into town" I said and she nodded. We both leave the house and get into my car and I drive us down the road to get to town. I park my car by the grill and then I grab her hand and take her towards the bell tower.

"Come on" I said and then we used our speed to get to the top. I look to her and she just stares back at me and then I raise an eyebrow.

"Wanna explain?" I said.

"Well, to answer your first question. Mason. Mason Lockwood" She said and I just stared at her almost laughing.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now