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Alexandra's pov

Damon, Stefan, and I are walking through the woods to the abandoned witch house to meet Bonnie. Damon and I didn't really speak last night. I mean, there's nothing to say. What's done is done, what happened happened, and what's going to happen is going to happen. I know I'm not going to get a break from Damon though. Especially after last night. I seriously was hoping he'd just back off after that, but I was wrong.

"You didn't say anything to Elena about the coffins, right?" Stefan said. Stefan wasn't too happy about Damon joining us but agreed as long as he didn't run his mouth.

"No. I said I wouldn't" Damon said.

"I know what you said" Stefan said.

"Then why are you asking?" Damon said.

"Because protecting the location of Klaus' family is my number one priority right now and the fewer people who know, the better" Stefan said.

I continue walking but stop when Damon puts his arm out in front of me and I look to him. "What?" I said.

"Someone's in there" Damon said.

"Yeah, it's Bonnie" I said going to walk again but he grabbed my arm and I sigh.

"Someone else..." He said and I stand there and look around. "Wait here" He continued and then went into the house and I look to Stefan.

"Must be a hybrid. Maybe Klaus figured it out. Or he's trying to figure it out" I said and walked closer to the house.

I look to see a man walk out of the side of the house and I use my speed and appear in front of him. He looks to me and then I see him start to turn and I do the same thing about to attack him but Damon appears behind him and rips his heart out. I watch the guy drop to the floor and then I look to Damon.

"I had that" I said.

"Your welcome" He said.

"Funny you just killed someone but got mad at me for killing last night" I said.

"There's a difference. I'm killing the bad guys. You're killing the innocent" He said.

"Alright...before you two start fighting." Stefan said walking between us. "Come on" He continued and we followed him into the house.

We go downstairs to where the coffins are and I walk up to them and look at them. "Bonnie still is working on spells to open it" Stefan said.

"You're telling me these won't open?" Damon said.

"Nope. Not at all" I said and Damon grabbed a shovel in the room and started hitting it and I shake my head.

"You're wasting your time" Stefan said.

"Klaus has 6 siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world, one dead kid in the new world. That leaves Elijah and 2 others. 3 sleeping originals, 4 coffins" Damon said and I looked at the four coffins in the room.

I walk over to the biggest one in the room and feel the guys come up behind me. "So, who the hell is in this one?" I said.

"No idea. But whatever's in here, Bonnie seems to think will help us kill Klaus. So, as soon as she can get this open, the sooner we'll know she's right" Stefan said.

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