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Alexandra's pov

I look to the clock and see there's only 20 seconds left and all I can smell is blood. The both of them just continue to stare at me panicked and I just stand here. "You two have to run" Stefan said.

"I can't! I need blood. I'm trying to hold off, but I can't" I yelled.

"You don't have a choice!" Stefan said.

"But Klaus said that if..." Elena started and Stefan cut in.

"I know what he said, but if you stay, it won't matter. Alex, please with everything in you just hold off for a little longer. Elena, please...you two have to run" Stefan said.

I close my eyes and shake my head and get myself under control by a thread and see the clock is at 5 seconds.

"There's no other way" Stefan said starting to lose control too.

"There is another way, Stefan. It's for you to fight" Elena said and then the buzzer went off. "Stefan, I love you" Elena continued.

"I can't hold it" Stefan said.

"Elena, we need to go. Or else the both of us will kill you" I said and she just stood there.

"ELENA, RUN! GO!" Stefan yelled and then got up to run at Elena but I use my speed and tackle him to the ground. I look back to Elena and see her looking with panic.

"GO!" I yelled turning again and she ran out of the gymnasium. I feel Stefan push me off and then he grabs me and pins me against the wall and I try pushing him off of me.

"Right after I kill Elena, I will kill you" He said.

"That's why I'm trying to hold you off" I said punching him and he fell to the ground.

"You're not stronger than me! You need to run too!" He said standing back up and grabbing me. "RUN" He said and I use my speed and run out of the gymnasium.

I reach the hallway and I look around panting. I feel myself losing energy and I just try to keep pushing. I need to find Elena. I need to make sure she's okay.

I continue to run down the hallways and just try to find where she is. I look around and then I hear screaming and I listen closely. "TURN IT OFF!" Klaus yelled and I follow the direction of his voice and reach the cafeteria.

I run in and I see Klaus back away from Stefan and him close his eyes and then open them again. I watch in shock and then Klaus turns around. "I fixed him" He said.

He made Stefan turn his humanity off.

I watch Stefan just stand there with a dark and evil look on his face and then he starts to turn. I see him go to run at Elena but I use my speed and jump in front of her and Stefan grabs onto me and bites my neck and I let out a yell.

Next thing I know...everything goes black.

Damon's pov

I tracked Klaus down to the hospital. I wasn't going to stay with Katherine knowing what I know. Knowing Klaus is in town. I'm beyond angry at this point. If he even lays a finger on Alex...I will kill him myself. I don't care what the consequences are.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now