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Alexandra's pov

Elena and I are here just trying to kill time.  I'm just looking around the room and Elena is still reading from Stefans diary.   I look over and see the syringe sitting on the table and then I go over and grab it looking at it.

"Alex...I'm not going to use that on you" She said.

"No, he's right.  You may not have a choice, Elena" I said.

"You have blood" She said.

"I have about a quarter of the bottle of blood left...I still can't really control myself" I said.

"So...you're drinking human blood now?" She said and I looked to her.  "I'm not judging you" She continued.

"Well, I'm judging myself.  But anything is better than feeding from the vein.  I...I can't.  I'm scared of what it will do to me" I said.

"Like Stefan?" She said and I look to her.

"No.  No, Elena, I didn't mean..." I started to say and she cut in.

"It's okay.   I mean it's true...it changes Stefan" She said.

"Hey...Damon will find him, okay? And Damon said it himself...he can be saved" I said and she nodded.

"None of this was supposed to happen" She said and I sat down across from her.

"I know" I said.

"I mean...you became a vampire, we got sacrificed, Damon got bit by a wolf, and then we lost Stefan. Everything happened in a short amount of time. No one had time to prepare for any of it" She said.

"Somehow we always get through it though" I said.

"Yeah, well what happens when we don't? Everything that happens just gets worse and worse." She said and I sighed.

Maybe she's right.

It's been about an hour. Or less. Or more. I honestly haven't been keeping track. I just know that it feels like it's been forever. I'm pacing around the room starting to sweat a little. I feel myself starting to crave blood and I just try to push it away.

"You okay over there?" Elena said.

"Yeah" I said lying. "How's the diary?" I said.

"A lot of stories. All with the same ending. Are you sure you're okay?" She said looking to me.

"I need blood" I said.

"Where's the bottle?" She said looking around and I do too. I see it sitting on the table and I go over and grab it and take a sip but nothing comes out.

"No" I said and then opened it to see there's no blood left. "There's none left" I continued.

"Alex" Elena said.

"Elena...I can control it right now. But I can't say I'll be the same soon" I said and she stood up.

"What do we do?" She said.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now