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Damon's pov

I'm at the bar right now with Alaric.  He practically dragged me here.  He said he wants to keep an eye on me so I don't slip off the deep end with Stefan and Alexandra having no humanity. 

There's absolutely nothing I can do.  Not being able to take control of a situation if I need to is making me panic.  I don't know what Alexandra will do and I know damn well she won't let me step in.  How am I supposed to protect people? Or even protect her? She can get into serious trouble with the mindset she has.  She has no fears right now.  No emotion.  She could get herself killed.  And the guilt of everything you've done when your humanity comes back on is the worst.

I go to pick up the shot glass when someone else does and drinks it.  I look to see Alexandra and she puts the glass down and smiles to me.  "Something other than bourbon...I like it" She said.

"Where have you been?" I said.

"Out and about" She said.

"What exactly did you do?" Alaric said.

"My secret to know" She said not spilling anything. "We'll take another shot please" She said to the bartender.

"You're underage" I said to her and she rolled her eyes.  She leans over the table a little grabbing the bartender and then starts to compel her.

"Pour us some more shots...and put it on the house" She said and then let go of the woman.  I roll my eyes and grab her arm pulling her away from people a little and she looks to me.

"Jeez...all you had to say was you didn't want to drink anymore" She said.

"You can't go around compelling people.  And you can't go around doing who knows what whenever you want!" I said frustrated.

"Who's going to stop me?" She said.

"You're going to kill somebody!" I said and she just looked away a little.

"I won't kill anyone, Damon.  Just because my humanity is off doesn't make me a murderer" She said.

"Yeah? What happens when you get a little too angry one day or you just don't care a little extra that day? Huh? What then?!" I said.

"Wow...I'm starting to miss no humanity Damon now.  And I used to hate him. You should really consider" She said.

"You're going to regret all of this" I said.

"Good thing I don't feel anything" She said patting my arm and then walking back over to the bar.

This is worse than I thought.

Alexandra's pov

A few drinks in and I decide to make my way outside.  I've had enough of Damon nagging me for one day.  Since when did he become so boring?
I grab my phone from my pocket and dial someone's number who I've been trying to get ahold of.  Stefan.  Let's just say I need a little adventure in my life. 

"Alexandra" He said answering the phone.

"Stefan...just the person I've been wanting to talk to" I said.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now