Chapter 4

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                “Lincoln.” Athena said after staring down at the man with malice in her eyes and her heart. She wanted to kill him, but she was sent in for information, not slaughter. Not yet, at least.

                “What?” He replied.

                “Lincoln.” She crouched down and stared right through him, as if he was worth nothing more than the dirt he was lying in.

                “The Grounder?” He asked.

                “G…Grounder?” She knew the word ‘ground’, and realized that this was the Sky People’s name for her kind. She nodded. “Yes.”

                Though he was not in the position to argue, Athena noticed the obvious stubbornness that he harboured; she recognized it as it one of her own traits. Whether this was a good trait or not, the fact that Athena identified with it might have saved his life. “Where… i-is Lincoln?” She managed to get out in broken English, hoping the man underneath her would understand her.

                “H- is … prisoner.” The man growled.

                Athena understood enough to know that he was not going to simply allowed Lincoln to walk out those gates. However, this put Athena between a rock and a hard place. She had a prisoner of her own, and she could easily bring him back to Lexa to trade for either Lincoln or information. However, she decided to let him go back to his camp, to report back to Lexa about who they were, and bring an army down on their pathetic walls.

                “I do not kill you… t-today.” Athena tried her best to sound threatening, but without proper English under her belt, she was sure that she sounded like a child. “Free Lincoln one day… f-from now.”

                The man lurched suddenly, startling Athena. She had been so worked up in trying to speak a foreign language that she forgot that this man was her target, her current hostage. He knocked her onto her back, and before she could even reach for her dagger she realized that he had the silver weapon in his hand again. He must have grabbed it when he knocked her back, and now he was in control again. She did not know what the weapon could do, but she did not trust it as the man looked so sure of himself with it in his grasp.

                A woman’s voice called from around the wall, “Bellamy! Where are you?”

                The man, Bellamy, didn’t lower his gaze from Athena, but he did perk up when he heard his name being called. There was a moment of silence while he considered what to do. Kill Athena or let her go? He bounced the pros and cons of each in his head as quickly as he could. If he fired a shot, many more could come, and it would also startle the other kids who were stunningly unprepared for battle. If he let her go, she could come back with reinforcements and bring them down. She knew too much about the group and the camp already.

                “I won’t kill you.” He said, aiming for his most threatening voice, hoping that she would not come back. “Not this time. Run.”

                Athena stared him in his dark eyes, bearing her teeth. She was seething, and her breath sounded like she was hissing at him as it pushed through her gritted teeth. Though she was defensive, she couldn’t take on all of them on her own. She began to walk around Bellamy, always facing him; if she turned her back on him, he could kill her so quickly, she wouldn’t know what hit her. She knew this dance well; she had done it with bears and other predators upon the mountain. You never let your guard down with a feral creature; this man was feral to her. She began to back away, still facing him. When he lowered the gun, lowering his defences, she turned and ran, dodging through the trees.

                By the time she had caught up with Aslan, she had let the anger bubble to the surface. He spotted her before she saw him, and carefully walked up to her. “Athena.”

                Athena’s gaze darted towards him, hatred for the mistake she had made being directed at him. “What?” She hissed.

                “Where is Lincoln?”

                “Prisoner.” She replied; nothing more needed to be said. He had been a prisoner before she was sent in, and he still was. She decided, in that very moment, that she couldn’t go back to Lexa without Lincoln. “Go to Anya, get an army ready.”

                Aslan raised an eyebrow; he had a scar that came down over his left eye that made him look like his eyebrow was always raised. When he raised it, it was almost comical, yet menacing. “You are not coming?”

                “No.” She said, “We need more inside knowledge.”

                “What happened there?” He asked, knowing that something was wrong. He had known her for as long as she could remember. They grew up together, even though he was six years older than her. He wasn’t blind to the minuscule signs Athena had when something was wrong. Though she hid her emotions under a defensive layer, and most people were oblivious to what she was thinking, Aslan could see through it.

                She decided to skip some of the details, “They have Lincoln and they are torturing him. So get the army ready, I am going back.”

                Aslan nodded, studying Athena for a minute, as if trying to see what she was not telling him. Her hardened gaze prevented even him from seeing anything else wrong, and when he was satisfied with her explanation, he left. Alone again, Athena tried to figure out how she would get Lincoln free. With no idea how many weapons they had, she was taking a life-threatening risk. But she did that every day, and this was no different than any other task she was put to.

                She got close enough to the camp to see almost all around the walls, but far enough that the people within wouldn’t venture out and run into her again. She couldn’t risk running into Bellamy again; though she would kill him if she had the chance, he had an advantage over her with the silver weapon he wielded. Sleeping only scattered hours that night, Athena woke with an anger burning in the pit of her stomach. These savages still had Lincoln, and she would stop at nothing to bring them down.

So the next chapter will be based on the episode "Day Trip" and I'll continue to let you guys know what episode I'm on. I know it is hard to understand some of what is happening due to the fact I am writing from a Grounder's POV, and thus am unable to use terms like "drop ship" and "gun" because she does not have words for those things. Adding to this, she does not speak English well; this will be a challenge for me to write, but it is one of the drawbacks I want Athena to have. If anyone is having issues understand the chapters, please message me and I will do my best to edit it and make it better!

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