Chapter 45

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Wick went into great detail about the Mountain Men, and while Athena didn't understand a lot of it, having no technology of their sorts in the Wood clans nor the Ice clan, Bellamy made sure to stop and explain everything she didn't quite grasp. By the end of an hour she understood how the radios worked, frequencies, even how they operated the acid fog. They had a lot of guesses, Wick and Raven, about how Mount Weather operated, and that grey area was what needed to be discovered before anyone was sent into the Mountain. They couldn't risk going in blind.

But they had to risk going in, and whether or not they would know every in and out was soon to be determined. How long could they wait before sending Bellamy and Athena in? Athena hadn't told Bellamy yet, but she intended to go in as well. She had pondered it since he brought it up, and there were serious pros and cons to consider, but she knew that at the end of the day, she would risk her life to keep Bellamy safe. Even if that meant going into the hell of Mount Weather, the one place that truly brought fear into her bones.

That fear drove her hate, and that hate fueled her courage. It was a circle that would keep her going, keep her cautious, and either keep her alive or end up killing her. She tried to stifle a yawn, as it showed weakness, which she still wasn't willing to show in front of Bellamy, but as she looked at him his mouth opened wide and long yawn emitted from his lips. Athena couldn't prevent her yawn this time and Bellamy smiled at her.

"I think we should get some rest, pick this up tomorrow. Hopefully Clarke will be back on her feet and able to help." Bellamy suggested.

"She has a meeting with the commander tomorrow." Athena reminded him, "She has to be back on her feet."

Bellamy shook his head, "I can't believe she's going through with this... What she did to Finn..."

"I would hope you would do for me." Athena finished for him. "Though I would accept my full punishment, if you spared me from such pain and agony, I would be very, very thankful."

Bellamy frowned, "I don't think I could."

She pursed her lips, not saying anything else. They walked down the quiet hallways of the Ark, what was left of it, and their boots pattered along rhythmically. This time, Bellamy did not take Athena's hand, and for some reason that made her feel better. The strange custom seemed childish, and she disliked having a hand occupied even when she was in relatively safe quarters. There was little danger here now, but Athena was always prepared. Even now she had her Morningstar and her spear, various daggers and her long blade. Being fully equip for fighting made everything seem in the right place.

Her and Bellamy were very different people, but they both saw a similar end game. Take out the Mountain Men, free the forty-eight, and hope that peace could be continued between the Arkers and the Grounders. It was a long shot, but it seemed to be a clear path for now. Everything changed, and Athena knew that the only thing that remained the same was that everything changed.

Bellamy opened a door with a push of a button and it slid open mechanically. Athena stepped in the square and the door closed behind her. She hissed at the fact it made her jump; being trapped in such small quarters made her uncomfortable. There was no room for moving, fighting, or anything for that matter. It was just a small bed, a shelf that came out from the wall, and no windows. She grimaced, "You lived in this?"

"All my life." He said, "I know, it is different..."

"I can't stay here." Athena wasn't going to be locked away.

"Where... where else should we go?"

"I have a tent." She said, "With furs and a table, far more comfortable than this... cell."

"And walk through thousands of Grounders who want me dead?"

Athena rolled her eyes, "Have you no faith in the truce?"

Bellamy sighed; it was clear that he wanted to be where he was comfortable, and so did Athena. It all came down to who was more stubborn, and the candle would also burn out for Bellamy in that department. If anyone was more stubborn than Athena, it would be Anya. Anya was gone, so that gave Athena the position. She crossed her arms over her chest, the fabric of her clothing shifting comfortably with her, as opposed to the clothes she had gotten from the Arkers; they had been so form fitting she could hardly move.

"Alright." Bellamy sighed, raising his hands in defeat.

They grabbed a few things, and began their way down the hill outside of camp Jaha. Almost everyone was sleeping by this point, as it was late in the night and the last few days had been remarkably stressful for all parties. A few fires burned and a few torches moved in the distance, but everything was quiet, allowing the sounds of nature to break its way in. Crickets, cicadas, the wings of bats swooping overhead, and creatures lurking for unsuspecting prey. Every creature was predator and prey, it always moved in a perfect circle.

As Athena found the tent that she had been given, she flipped open the tarp and stopped. Her eyes adjusted to the light coming from the torch, and she realized that Aslan was in there. Somehow, she had let it slip her mind that Aslan had stayed in that tent with her the night before. He had been her guard, but obviously had no tent of his own as of now. She swallowed awkwardly, glancing at Bellamy who was behind her, and then back at Aslan who had his scarred eyebrow arched, making him look devious and malicious.

Wattpad keeps updating and I fucking hate it.

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