Chapter 3

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                Though the fires from the small camp of intruders gave Athena light to see, it also put her at risk of being seen. Without doubt, these strangers would be frantic and desperately seeking safety. Safety would not come, not with Athena lurking in the forests edge. However, she did not doubt that they would be standing guard, protecting their pathetic camp. On what she had been told, she gathered that they were a bunch of teenagers, not quite one hundred of them left. However, most teenagers on Earth were lethal by fourteen.

                From the looks of their walls, they didn’t have a lot of materials to work with, but they were not stupid. Logs had been put up to reinforce the metal walls. Sticks and bits of metal couldn’t keep Athena out if she wanted in, but it did make spying on them tougher. The sun was still up, and so she stayed far out of sight. Perched in a tree, something she never felt entirely comfortable with, she watched as they moved like ants in a colony.

                Very few of them were outside of their makeshift walls, and the ones that were stayed very close to the door. There was an opening at the front, and from the looks of it, there were a few places where the wall had not been put together well. They lacked the resources, but Athena gave them credit where it was due; they were being creative and resourceful where they could be. They knew something about survival, that was for sure.

                When darkness consumed the forest, and Athena deemed it safe to come down from her crow’s nest, she moved as silently as she could down the branches. The only weapons she had on her were her daggers and her spear; the Morningstar was too bulky, though it came in handy if she was to be surrounded. Her mission was to stake out the place, get as much information as possible, and get Lincoln out. But she had no idea where Lincoln was. The camp was not entirely large, but large enough to keep one hundred people within. It had sleeping tents, areas for fires, cooking, tables, and a giant metal container.

                The night covered her, shielding her from cautious eyes that might glance her way. Her dark clothing was meant to keep her safe, though on the mountain it was different; she often wore whites and other light colours. The black and dark blue face paint covered her skin, which was paled from living up upon the sunless mountain. As she neared, determined to get as much information on these strangers for Lexa as possible, she heard the gut-turning, blood-curdling groans of someone being tortured.

                Her head jolted up to see if there was anyone around her, making sure she was safe before she assessed further. She didn’t doubt that it was Lincoln she was hearing; who were these savages, and why were they doing this to Lincoln? She bared her teeth like a feral creature defending its home, though there was no one around to scare off. Pressing herself to the cool metal wall, she looked through; the screams, which had faded, were coming from the metal container. Someone stormed out; a blonde. Athena had not seen hair that light in years; it almost startled her. The only person she had seen with hair like that was the elderly, whose hair had faded and lost all colour. Only once had she seen another with blonde hair, and it seemed like a century ago.

                While entranced by the blonde, she mentally left her task, and put herself at risk. With her back to the forest, and Aslan about a kilometer away, she was unprotected from the dangers around her. Looking in at the intruders, she assumed that they were all within the safety of their walls aside from the three or four huddled near the front gates with measly weaponry. However, she had miscalculated this, costing her everything.

                “Don’t. Move.” A deep voice snarled from behind her.

                She reached for her dagger at her hip, but heard an unfamiliar click, and knew right away that she had a foreign weapon at her head. She lowered her hands, opening her palms and fingers wide to show that she had nothing in her hands. A hand reached around and touched her, she almost attacked him right there, but only flinched as he grabbed her dagger and spear, which was attached to her back. She heard them clatter on the ground beside her, and thought about where else she had hid her weapons; there was one in her boot, another tucked in her sleeve.

                This man was smarter than that, though, and reached into her boot, pulling out the dagger. He then said something that she didn’t understand, but she caught some of it. “Do….. more?”

                He was speaking a language that she was not familiar with. The Wood Clans spoke various languages, ones that were ancient and dated back before the destruction of the world. Upon the mountain, no one learned the other language, not unless they were from the Wood Clans and came up to train. Athena herself had only learned scattered English from these trainees, but had never bothered trying to learn it when everyone spoke Trigedasleng.

                She understood more and shook her head, “No. No more.”

                “Turn ….” Again she struggled to understand what he was saying, but she turned to face him.

                Her eyes trailed his dark skin, his dark eyes, his dark hair. Though the night was dark, it was easy to see his bold features. The sliver of a moon illuminated his eyes, making it look as though he was peering right through her. However beautiful he was, the expression on his face was beyond aggressive, and Athena knew that she couldn’t be submissive to this man; he would kill her or torture her as they were Lincoln if she obeyed his orders. The weapon in his hand was like nothing she had ever seen before, a silver that reflected the light of the moon.

                She moved swiftly, using her elbow to hit his arm away; the point of her elbow hit his bicep and he flinched in pain, but still held onto his weapon. She turned to her side and plowed into him, knocking him to the ground. A loud bang echoed in the forest and Athena’s ears rang; she widened her eyes at the sound and gasped, unsure of what had happened. However, she worked well under pressure and in confusion, as it was a requirement living on the mountain. She dropped down onto the man who had been knocked to the ground. She placed her knee on his bicep, the same one she had elbowed, and put her other knee on his chest.

                His breathing slowed, and her was muttering curse words. Those Athena recognized. She lowered her face down to his and looked right into his dark eyes, in which she could see a faint reflection of herself. She knew that he couldn’t speak her language, and she didn’t speak much of his, but the threat still left her lips just as well. “Enjoy your last days on Earth; an army is coming for you.”

                She grabbed his weapon from his hand, prying it from reluctant fingers, and then stood up, her foot still on his chest. She gathered her daggers and picked up her spear. Contemplating leaving, going back to Lexa to show her this weapon that they had, Athena wondered if she could go back to the commander without Lincoln. How could she explain that she had heard him being tortured and didn’t at least try to get in. She glanced down at the man again, wondering now if she could use him to work something out. 

Alright, so I am going to be blowing through season one pretty quickly, and there won't be a lot of "romance" for a while, given the fact that the Grounders and the 100 sort of hate each other and want to kill each other. It will be in season two that there will be more BellamyXAthena. 

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