Chapter 47

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Early in the morning, Bellamy and Athena decided it was best to get working on breaking into Mount Weather yet again. Clarke had a meeting with Lexa, to confirm the alliance over a toast, and begin the battle plans. Of course, Bellamy and Athena had no need to be there, and Athena was glad to take a day off from battle plans, and work on infiltration instead. As they leisurely strolled through the camp, which was bustling again with training youth and warriors sharpening their blades, making arrows, and fixing damaged armour, Athena felt as though she was at home.

She glanced at the trainees and grinned; they looked as though they had learned lots, which was necessary these days more than ever. At the end of the day, they were fighting against people behind strong forced walls that would not be easily penetrated. But the Arkers had bombs and other explosives and tools that could rip the walls of off their safe haven. For a moment, that brought a smile to her pale pink lips.

A voice rung over all the clatter of the Grounder camp that resided just outside the walls of Camp Jaha; Athena recognized it as Lucifer's and she began to dart through the clusters of tents, fire pits and weaponry that scattered the Earth. It didn't take her long to figure out that it was a call for help, which was very unlike Lucifer. When she finally spotted the crowd of Grounders that surrounded where his voice was coming from, she barged her way through, and spotted a limp female body over Lucifer's shoulder.

It was Leia; Gendry's mate. Aslan had been unsure of who had survived the blast back at the battle around the drop ship, bit it appeared that more of her team who had come down from the mountain had survived than either of them thought. Given that they had been in the front lines, it was surprising to see them. However, things took a wicked turn at that battle when the Reapers showed up, and people got scattered. This brought joy to Athena's small heart, though she did not express it yet, not when Leia looked almost dead.

"Lucifer!" Athena shouted, "Bring her here!"

The crowd parted and Lucifer managed his way through, lowering Leia onto the ground. Athena brought her ear to her chest to see if she could hear any breath. She didn't appear to be breathing, at least not enough that Athena could tell over the loud noises associated with the camp. Bellamy was crouched beside her quickly and barged in, placing his hands on Leia's chest and putting all his body weight into pressing down on her. He repeated these movements over and over again, then brought his lips to hers, breathing in air.

Leia gasped for air and began to groan instantly. Bellamy backed off, allowing Athena back in now that his job was done. He leaned back on his arms, watching as Athena reached for water, bringing it to her lips. Her lips were almost black with dried blood, her eyes were dark underneath. A shudder ran through Athena's body as she realized what this was.

"Lucifer, where did you find her?" She asked sharply in her native tongue.

"Just beyond the Acid Fog reach." He explained, "I think they put her there, to show us..."

"Show us what?" Athena urged him on.

"Look at her body."

Athena looked down and saw that the clothing around her was torn, holding on by small seams of fabric. Peeling back the fabric, she saw holes through Leia's body, dried blood on most of them, but fresh blood on the others. They were deep, through the bone. "We have to get her to Abby."

It was beyond their medical abilities, and Nyko was not around. Bellamy scooped up the woman in his arms and nodded towards the hill, where Camp Jaha sat just on top of. Athena parted the sea of people as Bellamy carried Leia behind her, and the trek seemed to take forever. The gates were opened easily this time when Athena tried to come back in, and Abby was there quickly. She saw the change of respect already, now that the truce was created. Clarke was out with Lexa now, sealing the deal.

"Abby, help her." Athena begged, something she rarely did. When it came to her warriors, she would die for them just as they would for her.

They brought her deep into the Ark, where there were a few other people in need of medical care. Bellamy placed Leia on a gurney and stepped back, reaching his arm out in front of Athena to hold her back. She wanted to be close, to see what Abby was doing to Leia, to see if she would make it out alive. She nibbled her lip and dug her gritty fingernails into the palm of her hand as she tried to see over the flurry of movement by Abby and the others that had joined her. Metal flashed and tubes were grabbed; vials and needles were placed nearby. Athena knew nothing of what any item could do, but she trusted Abby.

They cut open her shirt and studied her body, trying to see the other wounds on her body. There was a hole in her sternum, with a metal device protruding out of it. Athena leaned over and spotted the blood over Leia's stomach and inched closer. "That says something."

Abby looked at Athena, and back down at Leia. She grabbed a damp cloth and began to carefully clean the blood off of her stomach. There were words carved into her stomach and Athena tried to read them, but it was poorly written and upside down to her. Abby read it out, "Useless..."

"What does that mean?" Athena asked. She knew what the word meant, but was unsure why it was carved into Leia.

"It means they've discovered our blood is going to get them out of that damn mountain."

"No..." Abby said, "Not the blood. The marrow."

"What does that mean?" Athena asked.

"Blooding people can keep them alive, it drains them, but your blood count will come back quickly. To get the marrow, and the amount that they will need to give to every person residing in Mount Weather, it is a painful procedure. See these holes here? They've tried the marrow on your people, and it isn't working to their satisfaction. So now they are using the children."

Athena looked at Bellamy, "We're going in."

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