Chapter 21

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The end of the year had fallen upon them with the Slytherins winning the house cup (much to McGonagall's dismay). Dumbledore was quite angsty about the stone not being stolen (even though it was) and Harry not playing hero. Harry was quite proud of his accomplishments this year; what with resurrecting Tom, making allies, and rekindling friendships with the twins and Neville. Harry was currently with Tom saying goodbye to Alessia who looked as dejected as a snake could, her head tilted down slightly.

$$Must you go master?$$ the basilisk hissed sadly, nudging Tom on the cheek. Tom mirrored the look with compassion; he knew she must've been lonely all those years.

$$I'm afraid so, Alessia. I'll visit in the future, I promise.$$ Tom reassured, hugging the basilisk slightly by the neck. Alessia hissed in pleasure as Tom stroked her scales. Alessia then slithered towards Harry.

$$Take care of master for me, master's mate,$$ the snake requested hopefully. Harry choked at his new title but nevertheless agreed with a shrug.

Harry once again packed Tom in his trunk and this time Tom took his pets before shadowing up into his room. Packing everything, he headed out to the train, Draco ahead to say goodbye to his friends. He levitated his trunk to the rack of their previous compartment, and he sighed as he fell into the plush cushions. He hadn't told his fathers of he and Tom yet, thinking it was better for the upcoming conversation to be in person. He sat there for a couple minutes when Draco came knocking on the door and entering.

"Hey Harry! Excited for summer break? You better visit!" Draco exclaimed as he set his stuff down.

"I'm quite excited, there's plenty to do though. And of course I'll visit, you'll also have to visit when we move homes," Harry told him. Draco smiled and agreed. The two spent most of the ride conversing about random topics and snacking on a couple cauldron cakes.

The train soon arrived at Kings Cross, the station packed of witches and wizards. Harry and Draco took their respective trunks and walked off the train to meet their waiting families. Harry was about to look around when he was flung off the ground by two strong hands.

"Harry! How are you pup?" Sirius greeted, hugging Harry in the air. Harry chuckled at his antics.

"Babe, put him down! Nice to see you Harry," Remus scolded before greeting Harry. Once returned to land Harry hugged Remus.

"I'm good dads. I missed you guys," Harry told them before the group embraced. Harry vaguely noticed people staring at the strange trio, but Harry could care less. Before leaving, Draco pulled Harry in a hug as well.

"I'll miss you Har, remember to write!" Draco requested through the hug. Harry smiled and reciprocated.

"Will do." Harry peered behind to see Lucius and Narcissa watching; Narcissa with a smile while Lucius seemed annoyed by the lack of manners. "Lord and Lady Malfoy, a pleasure to see you again," Harry formally acknowledged them. Narcissa gave a curtsey.

"Pleasure, Harry. You can call me Narcissa dear," Narcissa greeted. Harry gave a nod.

"Yes, Harry. Nice to see you again," Lucius drawled, eyeing him as if he was a mysterious puzzle. Harry decided to mess with him again.

"I'm sure you'll be seeing me a lot soon, Lucius," he hinted before walking past him. He then sent a strong pulse through his mark. 'You'll be seeing me soon enough,' Harry sent telepathically, except he faked Tom's Voldy voice. Harry glanced back to see Lucius pale and Draco looking at him amusedly, fully knowing what this was about. He had been on the receiving end of Harry's random telepathic messages. Harry quickly grabbed his fathers who were watching at a distance and they apparated into Grimmauld place.

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