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Tyler laughs and walks over where his brother was lying and sits down next to him. Tommy groans and Tyler runs his hand through his brother's hair in attempts to make it up to him. Luckily for him, Tommy enjoyed this gesture and melted into the touch. Tyler knew that this was his weakness, which is why he happily sat there running his hand through his brother's hair until the blonde eventually fell asleep.

Tyler smiled at the sight and left to go into his own room. When he got there he saw that he had some notifications on discord. Sitting down at his desk, he saw that Wilbur and Phil were in a call and were trying to get Tyler to join. Having nothing else to do, Tyler joined the call and said is signature greeting,



"Hey mate!" Philza greets, cheery as usual.

"Hello Technoblade" Wilbur says shortly after Phil, making Tyler laugh at how serious he sounded.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothin', we were just chilling and thought to add you" Philza says.

"We were actually just talking about Tommy's stream today" Wilbur adds.

Tyler sighs before saying, "Let me guess, you were discussing your conspiracy theories about how I am Tommy's brother"


"Wilbur, be serious for a second, do you actually think that me and Tommy are brothers?"

"Honestly, at first I was doing it more to piss off you and Tommy, but now... I don't know man. There's been some weird 'coincidences' that make me kind of think it could be true. That, or you and Tommy's brother just have a little too much in common" Wilbur finishes with a little laugh.

Phil then adds, "Who knows Wil, maybe Tommy's brother is a Techno-stan"

The three laugh and Wilbur continues, "I'm serious though! The things that are really tripping me up is how similar of a voice you two have, the fact that his brother didn't sound British, and today when his brother was texting him responses they came in almost too quickly as if he knew what you were going to say before you said it, oh and not to mention he literally wrote 'get pranked nerd ' while texting Tommy"

'Maybe not my smartest move' Tyler thinks to himself.

"I don't know man, there's not much more to say other than that he's not my brother" Tyler says while laughing awkwardly.

"Wait, Techno don't you have a brother?" Philza asks causing Tyler to internally groan.

"Yes, I do"

"I forgot about that! How old is he Techno?" Wilbur asks.

Tyler freezes, "Uhhh," he then moves his mouth closer to his mic, "Dang you Philza for being a good friend who remembers things about my actual life, you're not helping my case at all"


"He's, uhh, he's sixteen-"

Before Tyler could even finish his thought, Wilbur left the call, making Phil wheeze even more.

"Please tell me you were fucking lying in order to get a reaction out of Wil"

"Philza, I wish, but my brother is actually sixteen years old"

Phil laughs even more, making Tyler laugh along with him. When he calmed down he manages to get out, "Careful Techno, you're going to make me start to side with Wil about this whole 'brother' thing"

"What you guys want? For me to lie? I'm just giving you guys the honest truth, which in retrospect, I understand is not helping with anything"

"You think? Now you're just going to have Wil on your guys's case more than ever"

Tyler sighs, "Yeah I know- but I don't think Wilbur was ever going to let this go"


The two friends continue to chat, moving on from the previous topic. The two were catching up with each other about life and eventually switched to talking about streaming and YouTube. Tyler offered to show Phil a sneak peak of the video he had been working on for the past couple of weeks. Phil, of course, agreed to watch what he had so far.

"Okay, let me just pull it up quick..."

However, as Tyler was setting everything, his door slowly began to open. Before Tyler had any time to process what was about to happen, a small voice spoke up.

"Tyler? Mom told me to come get you for dinner"

Tyler turned quickly to see his brother standing in his doorway, rubbing his eyes. He had clearly been too tired to understand the situation that he and his brother were now in. Tommy noticed the panicked expression on his brother's face and instantly woke up a little bit more. Confused on why his brother looked stressed he muttered out a small, "What?"

Tyler, instead of answering, unplugged his headphone from his computer. Tommy then heard what Tyler had been hearing and lost all of the color in his face. Both of the brothers sat there in complete shock as they heard Phil's screaming come through the computer.


Phil continued to freak out while Tommy and Tyler sat there staring at each other. Tommy was then snapped into reality and couldn't help the tears that began to prick at his eyes. He then took a step back and completely sunk to the ground curling up on himself.

'It's your fault, it's your fault, it's your fault' were the words that racked Tommy's mind.

Tyler was quick to act on this and deafened himself on discord. He then sat next to his brother and began to calm him down from his panicked state. However, he frowned when he heard his brother mumble 'I'm sorry, it's all my fault' .

"Shh, Tommy it's not your fault, it's okay you didn't know I was talking to Phil. Take it easy bud, just follow my breathing"

Tyler sat on the ground with his brother breathing slowly with him until he finally calmed down. Tommy then clung to his brother's side and buried his head in his chest. Tyler smiled and ran a hand through his brother's hair.

"I'm sorry"

Tyler sighed, "Toms, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, we're going to get through this okay?"

Tommy nodded and Tyler got up from the ground, causing his brother to follow this action. They both then walked over to his desk and looked at each other before Tyler undeafened himself.

"Techno, what the fuck is going on" Phil says, still a little freaked out.

"Um, well Phil... I guess we have some explaining to do..." Tyler says awkwardly.

"You're fuckin' lying to me mate, there's actually no way that you're being serious right now"

Tyler then looks over to Tommy and then back at his computer screen. He knew what he had to do in order to clear everything up. His mouse hovered over the button, but he looked back at Tommy one more time for reassurance that it was okay. Once he received a nod from his brother, he looked back at his screen.

'Here goes nothing' Tyler thinks to himself as he presses the 'video call' option on discord.

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