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When I wake up there is blood all around the floor. I lift my head slowly. It makes me dizzy, but at least I can move my head. I reach up to feel the back of my neck with my hand and then wish I hadn't. It hurts so bad I have to set my head down. It isn't bleeding anymore, but definitely was. I rest for a second, but I don't stay for to long. I don't know where my dad is, but I don't want to see him now.

I really need to get out of here. I am not just scared now, I am petrified. He could have killed me. I can't go to the hospital because then I would be put me in a foster home. I just need to leave. And now. I pick up my other pair of clothes and shove them into my backpack. I open the door. The wind hits my face. It feels good. I am on my own.

I walk down the road and get on a bus. No one questions me. I am 16 but could pass of as 18. I have five dollars in my wallet, two pairs of clothes, and my backpack. My backpack. I wish I could go to school. School is the one thing I love. I am pretty smart for my age, especial in reading. I love reading. I never have enough books to read because my dad won't even buy me food, let alone a book.

I sit and stare out the window. My hands clutching my backpack. I need to get as far away as possible. I have no one to go to. I don't know where I am going to sleep, but I know I will find somewhere. I think. Maybe not.

The bus comes to it's last stop. I walk past the bus driver.

"I wish you luck Ella." The bus driver calls out.

"How...?" I stutter.

"You are Jacobs daughter right?"

"I may be."

"It about time you get away from him. He hit you?" He points to my neck.

"I umm..."

"You should go to he hospital."

"I am fine. I am going to my grandmas." I state. I try to sound sure if myself. I can tell he doesn't believe me but he tries.

"Okay, but if you need help. And don't worry about paying I will cover it."

I don't want help. Just another reason to leave town. I nod my head and walk away. I walk down the road and purposely turn three corners before sitting on a park bench. I lay down and prop my head up with my backpack. The bench is cold underneath me and I can feel the wind coming between the spaces. My neck hurts so I try my best to think of something else. I think about my dad and what he is doing right now. That only makes me nervous. He could be looking for me now. I need to do something about that. If I don't, he will find me. I could make an anonymous call to the police. My eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

• • •

When I wake up I look around, and freak out, where am I? Then I remember. I sit up and think about last night. My neck feels better, but still feels like needles driving into my neck as I try to move it. What about my dad? I need to call the police. I could use a public phone? Where do they still have a public phones? I guess that's my only option, I don't have a cell phone. Maybe a gas station would have a public phone. I think there is a gas station down the road.

I go down the road and turn right. I have been on this road before the gas station is about five blocks from here. It a strait shot but it is dangerous because my dad takes this route to go to the store for food. He will need food by now. I pull up my hood and look at the ground. I watch my feet and am mesmerized. This time I am walking for something I want. Something I need. This is not for my dad, in fact this against my dad. I feels weird but strangely nice to be deifying him.

When I reach the gas station I leave my hood on and walk in. I ask if they have a pay phone. It's near the bathrooms. I dig into my pocket and find 50 cents. I put it in and dial 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I would like to report child abuse. I saw Jacob Miller hit his kid and there is blood in their motel room." I claim to be a concerned citizen and give them the address to the motel. I hang up before she asks anymore questions.

A feeling of relief and then worry over powers me. I hope they catch him. No more avoiding now. Unless. Unless they don't have enough proof to put him in jail. Then for sure he would kill me. He would know I called. He would find me and kill me.

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