Home Sweet Home

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I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt a tear on my hand. I quickly wipe them away. This is the most I have cried since my mom. I hate crying in public. Even if I got hurt at school I saved my tears until I got home. Or should I say until I got out of public view. I still don't think I have found a place I can really call home yet.

I look over the back seat to get a good view of Rachel. She is a stocky woman, who you can tell is the sort if no nonsense kind of person. I decide against testing her limits, and lean back trying to fall asleep. The gentle rocking of the car helps me to doze off.

• • • •

I wake up to a new town. I can tell we have been driving for a while because it is dark outside. Rachel pulls over to get some gas at a gas station. I try getting out because I really need to go to the bathroom. My door is locked and there is no way that I can find of opening it. Rachel notices my distress and unlocks about five locks before opening my door. They must really think I am desperate to jump out of a moving vehicle. I walk out and stretch my legs. They hurt from being in the car so long. I have to walk somewhat slowly to the gas station to loosen them up. After I return to the car we start driving again. I try to start conversation with Rachel.

"How much longer until we get to the building?" I ask unable to come up with anything better to say.

"About twenty minutes." Rachel replies. Her voice is harsh and almost frightening.

I nod to show I understand but have nothing else to say. How can I, she obviously doesn't want to talk or she would have struck up a conversation earlier. I fidget with my hands and pray that we are almost their. I never have really liked car rides. Especially ones that lead me to the unknown. I the back of my mind I know there is something I am forgetting. Something important. Then I hits me like a train at full speed. I can feel the air rush out of my body. How could I have forgotten.

I take a minute to catch my breathe. Then almost inaudibly ask Rachel my question.

"What happened to my dad?"

Rachel sighs before she starts. "Well..." She holds out the "L". "Lets see, the police received an anonymous call, so they called us. We helped to investigate the case. Your father was nowhere. We looked everywhere and still couldn't find him. After they tested the blood on the hotel floor and confirmed it was yours the story went in the news. You were found but your father never was." She says this in a rush, before continuing more slowly. "They are still looking for him."

I feel the fear spread across my body as the statement registers in my mind.

"What if he finds me?" I am surprised. I guess I didn't really relize I was going to say that out loud.

Rachel turns around and I can see sympathy in her eyes. "Dont you worry. Your foster family knows the situation and so do the police in the area you are safe."

I want to belive her so bad, but this is my dad. He already killed one person because they were trying to get away from him he would have no problem doing it again.

• • • •

We drive up to a large building and I get out carrying my backpack. Rachel walks me in and explains who I am to the secretary.

"This is Ella Miller. She is here to meet her foster family." Rachel turns and walks away. I look back at the secretary and she tells me what room I should go to. I walk down the hall and turn into a room. Inside there are three people. Two are siting on couch. They are a young, and I think a couple. I am assuming they are my foster parents and the other person is a DHR worker. After the DHR worker confirmed my thoughts the young couple stands up and walks over to me. The woman pulls me into an awkward hug and the man shakes my hand. The women's face lights up as we start up a semi normal conversation.

"So my name is Anna and this is Tom." The woman says pointing out who she is talking about, as she says their name.

"Hi my name is Ella and I am 16." The women's smile growing bigger by the minute. She pulls me into a side hug and we walk out the door. Tim follows not far behind. As we reach the car Tim takes my bag and puts it in the back. After we have been driving for a while I lean back and close my eyes. To much has happened I need to relax. Then I hear Tim and Anna talking.

"She seems nice." Anna says almost like a question.

"How do you know she barley talks." Tim says sounding frustrated.

"She has been through so much."

"I don't care she needs to be respectful." I can't stand this anymore. I pretend to just wake up and stretch my arms to emphasize my point. Luckily they notice and stop their conversation. Quickly Anna started another conversation as if she were covering up the previous one.

"We decorated a room for you Ella."

"That's really nice of you." I say hearing Tim mutter something under his breath. I can already tell he doesn't like me much.

"Jacob and Delia will be so excited." Anna seems so happy it's almost fake.

"Who are they?"

"Oh shoot, we forgot. Jacob and Delia are our kids." Anna watches to see how I will react. I put on the best fake smile that I can. She seems satisfied with my response.

About fifteen minutes later we pull into a large country house. It seems to be in the middle of nowhere.

"Home sweet home." Tim says in a sarcastic voice. I can tell why he would say this right when I walk in. I look around and see a big cake. Or should I say a half eaten big cake. Next I see a kid, I think it's Jacob, covered in cake. He is also drawing on the walls with, what I think, is permeate marker. Next I see a teenage girl being physically attacked by a young girl, who is also covered in cake. Finally I see the mess they have made. It looks likes tornado swept through the house.

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