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Jada wakes me up by licking my face. I feel her wet tongue lick my face and sit up.

"Alright I am up." I get up and snap on her harness on and help her walk to the back door. It is hard having to walk her everywhere she needs to go. At least for the first while it is. After I have walked her around the yard some we head inside and I give her some kibble. She is such a chow hound. It's funny to see the transformation from sweet innocent dog to crazy food addicted dog the minute her bowl hits the ground. I hear footsteps in the hall walking my way. I hope I didn't wake anyone up. That would not be the best way to start off a Monday.

Karolyn steps into the kitchen and yawns. "You two must want a jump start in the day."

"Why, what time is it?"

"Oh about 5:25."

I groan. I hate mornings. Then again I didn't really care until I knew what time it was. Maybe I just hate the thought of mornings.

"It's okay I would have had to wake you up anyways." Karolyn says pouring a cup of steaming coffee into a pink mug.

"Why would you have to wake me up?"

"You start work today, remember. And no complaining we made a deal."

"What about school? Aren't I supposed to go back?"

"Oh yes, how could I have forgotten. What a silly goose I am I should have told you..." She trails off.

"Told me what?" I am starting to get anxious. What is going on?

"Well I am going to home school you the rest of the year. With all that's happened, your so far behind and this way you can work in the mornings and see Jada almost all day."

Jada barks her approval as she finishes her food.

"So your going to home school me?"

"Yes." Karolyn says trying to understand my feelings on the idea.

I can't help it I break down crying. Karolyn runs over and pulls me into a big hug. I breath in her smell and try to calm down.

"Ella why are you crying?"

"It's just... this is... it's so nice. And I don't deserve it. I mean you would spend your day teaching me. That's probably the most anyone has ever done for me." I manage to say this before I break down again. Jada walks over in our general direction. I have to help her a little but when she gets over to us I give her a hug like the one Karolyn gave me. "And you guys let me get Jada. I really don't deserve you and Greg."

Karolyn stops me there, "You do deserve is and I don't want to hear you say you don't. You of all people have been through so much you deserve some happiness in your life and I only wish I could offer you more."

• • • •

"Good luck at your first day you will do great!" Greg yells out the car window as a I walk into the corner store. I can see Jada in the back seat. I miss her already.

"Thanks!" I wave goodbye as the car disappears around the corner. I walk in and go back to the office that I applied for the job at. The red headed kid, or should I say, my boss is no where to be seen but that might be for the better. One of the other workers hands me a vest and a name tag. The vest is a tan color with green outlines on the edges. I go into the employ bathroom and put on my vest and name tag. I straiten my hair and head back to the back room. My job is take the cans from back here and stack them in the shelfs in the front store. How fun.

On about my tenth trip with the cans when my boss, Max walk over.

"How's it going?" He asks making me have to stop midway through my trip. These boxes are really heavy so don't plan on holding it for to long. I bend over to set it down.

"No, no. You don't need to set it down this will only be a minute. So how's it going?" I sear he is just trying to test me. I grind my teeth together and straiten back up.

"Oh fine." I try not to show how much this is hurting me.

"That's good. What box is this?" He asks as if he is trying to stall.

"Tenth." I bite the inside of my cheek till I taste blood. At least it takes some of the pain away from my arms. They feel like they are about to fall off. Max stairs me down for a while. I could almost hear him saying I can not do it. I stare right back at him. Finally the intercom calls him to the cash registers.

"Well I have got to go. See you later." He says as he trots away. I already hate him.

I set the box down and move my arms. They feel like someone stretched them out really far and then let go. They felt numb at first but now it's more of a throbbing pain. After a few minutes I pick the box up and continue working. When twelve o'clock finally came I had to stop myself from jumping into the air. My shift was finally over. Now I can go home and see Jada.

No one was able to pick me up so I have to walk back. Which is not a big deal because we only live a little over four blocks away. The first thing I notice when I get home is a little black nose pressed against the glass and a whine coming from behind the door. I run up the last few steps and throw open the door.

"Jada!" I yell as a blur of black and white attacks me with kisses.

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