Good Bye

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After I look around the building for a little while Amy takes me to her office. We sit on two different couches. They face each other. Besides the couches her room has a desk and a book shelf full of books.

"I am not the one to place you in a foster home. My main job it to help you." Amy says trying to read my facial expressions.

"Help me with what?"

"I don't know, the adjustment. Life in general really." She says.

"Those your books?" I ask. I really do love books.

"Yes, do you like to read?" She looks interested.

I don't know why, but I don't really feel like telling the truth. "No just curious."

"We'll then I have to ask you some questions for the paper work and then you will turn it in. We are trying to contact you family members but until then you may have to go into foster care." She states this and then immediately starts asking me questions. What is my middle name. When was I born. And many more until one comes along that stops me short. Why did I leave? I am sure they know they just want my side of the story.

"My father was abusive."

"Explain." Amy says hanging onto my every word as I talk.

"I was always scared of him but he went to far, he could have killed me."

"May I see your where he hit you?"

I turn my head so she can see the back of my neck. She gasps and I can see pain in her eyes.

"You need to go to the hospital." she says standing up and opening the door. "I will take you." I look at her confused.

"It's not THAT bad." I say not totally convinced myself.

"Come on. We are leaving now."

I stand up and walk out the door. We pass a mirror on our way outside an I take the chance to look at my neck. Maybe it is that bad. The skin is still raw and the back of my neck is about 3 times as big as it should be. The I notice that it has been bleeding recently. I don't argue with her anymore.

• • • •

We arrive at the emergency room because the clinic didn't have any openings. I am taken to a room and I sit on the bed after I have changed into a hospital gown. I look around the room and see a picture full of daisies. My mom loved daisies. I think or maybe it was roses. How could I not know my moms favorite flower? Just then a doctor walks in and goes right away to my neck. She touches it and I pull back.

"Sorry I won't touch it anymore." She says.

After a while she stops and talks to Amy.

"So what happened?" Amy looks at me to answer.

"My dad, he uh, hit me." I state sounding very unsure of myself. I look at Amy for reassurance. She nods her head to show her consent.

"What did he hit you with, and how long ago was it?" The doctor asks again this time looking at me first.

"It was a belt, and it was yesterday." Really it was only yesterday. It seems like a million years ago.

"The swelling is really bad and we can bandage it with some healing cream. There is not much else I can do." The doctor pronounces. I can tell she wants to do more. She smears cream on my neck and then wraps it with bandages.

When we leave we head back to the social work building. After about an hours worth of paperwork Amy tells me I will be going to the Department of Human Resources building so they can place me in a foster home. I get ready to go. How can I refuse, throw a fit like a toddler? I grab my backpack and look at her ready to go. She looks over and notices that I am waiting. We walk down the hall and into to the lobby. Amy pulls me into a hug. In my ear she whispers. "Stay strong and you will overcome this."

I pull away. Why is she not coming with me? She sees the concern in my eyes and understands.

"I have to stay here. You will be going with Rachel." She answers my unspoken question. Then points at a women that I haven't notice before standing behind me. I pull her into a hug and for some reason I know I will miss her. I just met her today, but someone who can stay nice to me after all I do, has a real gift. I hope this is not the last time I will see her. I finally let go of the hug and walk out the front door to Rachel's car. I look back out the window of the car and whisper, good bye Amy.

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