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I can not express how happy it makes you feel to have someone waiting for you when you get home. Someone so happy to see you they wait by the door until you get home. After my warm welcome from Jada we head to the kitchen for lunch. Jada gets some biscuits and I get a sandwich. Karolyn is not home so I can't walk Jada yet. I think Karolyn is at the shelter and Greg left after dropping me off at work to visit a friend who lives and hour away. I get to go to the shelter on weekends because of my job and school work. Karolyn is planing on starting home school tomorrow. The only reason I was able to walk home from work was because I begged Karolyn too. I really wanted to see Jada right away. I try to spend as much time as possible with her. She goes for a follow up appointment in two days. They think they got all the cancer but they are not sure. And even if they did, she is still coping with losing her sight. They are trying to regain some of her ability to see but so far it has not worked.

I watch Jada chomping her biscuit and almost start crying. Why does this have to happen to her? She is such a sweet dog. Who knows what her past is like? She is still so nice. I never really did ask about her past. I guess I should have but I just always thought no one knew. Maybe they do.

I run into the office and slide into the desk chair. I power on the computer. As it is starting up Jada waddles in. I call her walking waddling because she has a limp and she walks slowly. I think she walks slowly so she doesn't run into anything. She can walk without any help for short distances. I have also noticed she follows my sent to find me. Ivan tell by the way she turns her head all around and smells the air. She lays at my feet and falls asleep. I find the shelter directors email on their website. I email her and ask if she could pull up any information on Jada's past. I lean back and stare at the screen. I wait a while until a message pops onto the screen.

Dear Ella,
All the information is listed below. It is not a lot but may help. I am so glad you adopted Jada. She is an amazing dog.
Female, blacks and white pit bull mix.
Size: large
Notes: Found on streets skinny and dehydrated. She was found tied to a tree and most likely left to die. After investigation we found her owners. They had passed on in a fire and had left their dog to an uncle. He got in trouble for drugs she was then given to a friend who did not want her. She was tied to the tree and left there for two whole days.


As I finished reading I thought about how hard that would be on her. Being dumped from home to home because you family died. It really moved me and it wasn't hard to understand why. Her past was very similar to mine besides the part where she was tied to a tree. Sometimes I felt like I was tied down. Especially to my dad. Jada leans on my legs and pants a happy dog smile. Everything in the world seems unimportant when she looks at me like that. Almost like she is saying that everything is okay.

I email back,


Thank you so much. I am so glad to understand more about her past. If you ever come across anything else let me know.


Sighing I lean back in my chair. I push away from the desk with my feet. Jada seems to stiffen all of a sudden before I can put much thought into it, something catches my eye out of the corner of the window. Whatever it was is long gone before I can even get to the window. I look at Jada and see my own questioning look reflecting back at me in her clouded eyes. I decide to shrug it off until I see a old green truck with a dent in the bumper, whip around the corner and disappear. My heart skips a beat and I stand frozen in place. That was my dad's car. My dad found me.

• • • •

Once I am again in control of my thoughts I force myself to take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale. I grab Jada's leash from the closet and snap i her into the harness.

"Come on Jada, let's go for a walk."

We head outside and down the front steps. All I know is that he could come back anytime and I would rather not be there when he gets there. I go and ring the doorbell of the house next door well periodically checking over my shoulder. A middle aged woman answers the door.

"May I help you?" She asks. only glancing at Jada.

"I hope so. I need to use you phone." I say still involuntarily looking back. She notices my distress and ushers me inside.

"Here is the phone. when you get done you can come to the living room. I will wait in there." She walks off to the right. I glance around her kitchen and notice how spotless it is. This is a high class neighborhood, what else should I have expected. I walk over to the phone and help Jada lay down on the floor. Then I pick up the phones and contemplate who to call first. Greg is out of town visiting a friend so, I should call Karolyn. I put in the number for the shelter, Karolyn and Greg still don't have smart phones. Neither do I. The phone rings three times before someone answers.

"Hello, Animal Shelter how may I help you?" An all to chipper voice says on the other side of the phone.

"I need to talk to Karolyn."

"Let me get her for you." I involuntarily stroke Jada's head with anticipation. I can only dream of what her reaction is going to be. After a few more seconds I heard faint muffling and knew they had found her.

"Ella, what is wrong?!?" Says Karolyn in a very scared voice.

"I think I better tell you in person. It is hard to explain over the phone."

"I will be right there."

"Wait, I forgot one thing. I am at the neighbors."


"It's the house to the right of ours now please just wait tel you get home for questions." I hang up the phone and turn toward the living room entrance. Jada stands up and follows me. I turn the corner and see that the lady that lived here has been reading a book. In fact there are three huge bookshelf's full of books along the walls. I can't help from starring. The women looks up from her book and glances up at me.

"That's a lot of books."

"Yes it is. Down of them I have not even read yet. Do you like books?"

Right then I told one of the most truthful answer that I have given to anyone. "I love to read."

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