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"What do you read?"

"Well, I really haven't been able to read all that much. I never really owned any books."

"What interests you?"

"I kind of just recently read some books on taking care of dogs. They were interesting but I think I want something for fiction to read for fun." I say starting myself in the process. I didn't even know that was true until I said it.

"Hum, I think I have the prefect book for you." She sets down the red covered book she was reading on a fancy old side table and stands up. One quick glance around and she finds what she is looking for. Taking it off the shelf she hands it to me. I feel the cover in my hands and turn it over and over again. Just the weight off it feels good. I read the title aloud.

"Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls." The name rings a bell that I can not comprehend.

"I think you will enjoy it." The women says and then turns her attention back to her book.

"Your going to let me borrow this?" It's more of an explanation than a question. She doesn't even know my name yet she trusts me.

"Of course I am. What good do I have for it. It just sits there gathering dust..." She seems to trail off like her thoughts are elsewhere. All of a sudden Jada barks. It startles me so much I jump. I look down at Jada and see she is smelling the air and whining. That means Karolyn is here.

"I think Karolyn is here. I better get going." I say standing up. "My name is Ella by the way."

The women takes a second and then seems to snap back to reality. "Oh I completely forgot. My name is Stephanie. I am glad to have meet you. Feel free to visit anytime. You dog is welcome too."

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here and use your phone and especially for the book." I add as I head down the hall way. Stephanie follows me out and waves out the window as I help Jada get into Karolyn's car. I wave back after climbing in.

Karolyn's face is so plain I can't even tell her general feelings. It's like a blank slate. We pull out of Stephanie's driveway and turn right into ours. Karolyn gets out of the car without talking. She helps with Jada. Once we are inside she hugs me and starts to cry. A very full hearted cry that means she really cared.

After a few moments she looks at me and asks if I am okay.

"I am. I was just really scared and I didn't... I thought... I don't know." I stumble over how to explain my actions and feelings. Really it felt like a fear beyond words. Karolyn pulls me into a hug and try's to calm me.

She pulls away again and explains what we have to do next. First we have to call the police. Next, we were going to get me a cell phone. Under normal circumstances I would be ecstatic. In this point in time all I can do is nod my head in agreement. We decide we are going to just drive to the police station. I don't think either of us want to be here. Its weird in here. I have this feeling that someone is watching us. For all I know there might be someone watching.

As we drive through our small town all I can think about is where my dad is. He is here, in this town. I have no clue what is going to happen next. I don't even know if I want to know.

• • • •

"Where was he when you saw him?"

Question after question is thrown at me by officers and I don't have very good answers. "He was in the office window."

"How long was he there?"

"I have no clue." I have no better answer until I remember Jada. "I don't think he was there for very long because I noticed right when my dog stiffened up and saw him. Then he was gone."

The officer rights a bunch of notes down and then asks, "And you are sure it was him?"

All these questions make me unsure of what I saw was true. I had to keep reminding myself it really did happen. I notice the officer is still waiting for an response. "I know it was him. I saw the car. It had a dent in the bumper."

After a little more paper work they tell us what will happen next. Of course they are already looking for him. The next thing to do is set up security cameras in our house. And finally, I can't leave the house without someone and I also have to try and not be left home alone.

Finally, we are told we can leave. We head strait to a cell phone store. I try to think of this trip as just a trip to get a cell phone. Not a trip to get a cell phone so I can call the police if I see my dad. I push any opposing thoughts out of my mind and focus on what is to come.

The brick building has a sign stating that it is the best cell phone company in the United States. I don't believe that sign in any way. The costumer service was nonexistent. Meaning no one help us until we asked them ten separate times. When we did get help they were short tempered and snotty. Karolyn has no clue how anything electronic works and I have no experience with any of that stuff so we asked to worker a million questions. Half of which were never answered. Once we got me set up with a simple track phone we left.

By the time we got home it was just past seven o'clock. To me it felt like ten so I went strait to bed with Jada after I let her out of her kennel. I closed my eyes and promised myself they would wake up to a better day.

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