Chapter 1 damaged

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Vickie POV

"There's a storm coming Vickie, and your the eye of it" that's what my grandpa use to tell me. I never did know what he meant, still don't Acutely. My grandpa said a lot of things that didn't make any since, but he always said it would one day....

I was pulled from my thoughts by my friend David yelling "Vickie?"

I realized why he was yelling when I looked down and saw the sink in front of me was almost overflowing, and that I was still just twirling my hand trough the overly soapy water.

"Oh sorry" I muttered, pulling the plug on the sink and letting it drain enough to add the dishes.

"Is everything aright" David asked leaning on the contour.

"Yeah" I told him. He didn't buy it, but just then all the dogs went off.

"I better go see what their Problem is" he said and walked out the door.

I considered David my best friend of sorts, we both work at the Arizona Animal Rescue. I started here about one year ago as a volunteer, David started three mouths ago and i was responsible for training him. thats how we met, and we had gotten pretty close after all the lonely night shifts we worked together with only each other to talk to.

I have lived in the small town of Valencia Arizona all my life, everyone knew me here. everybody knew me as the weird messed up loner girl.

I go to school online at home and spend the rest of my time at the animal shelter. they gave me a job here because I was always here anyways, and I'm somewhat of an animal whisperer.

David came back then. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Okay. Just remember that if you ever need anything I'm here" he assured me.

"I know and thanks for that"

lately my relationship with David was the only thing that kept me from going insane, we talked about everything and he helped me with a lot of my problems.

"you ready to go?" he asked suddenly. I looked at my phone surprised it had gotten so late so fast.

"yeah, i gotta get my stuff I'll meet you at the car"

David lived three streets down from me so he gave me a ride to work most days. I didn't have a car so I was entirely reliant on my mom and co workers for rides.

I locked up behind me and walked trough the dark parking lot to David's beat up little red Honda.

when we pulled into the driveway of my house my moms car was no where to be found. I would be alone again tonight. my mom was a cop so it wasn't uncommon that she worked late.

"are you going to be okay here alone?" David asked "I could stay if you wanted me to" he said glancing around the driveway probably expecting to catch a glimpse of something moving trough the dark as you often could.

"I'll be fine, nothings even happened in weeks"

"you said it stopped before too, and then look what happened"

"just go home I'll be fine" I tired to make my voice sound sure but I'm certain he saw trough it.

"aright, bye" he signed

"bye" I replied pushing open the almost falling off car door.

David threw the car into drive but sat there idling in till I reached the front door.

once inside I pulled my hair out of the knot I had tied it into behind my neck and headed up to my room.I turned on the bath tub hoping a hot bath would relax me. I usually showered when I got home from work to get rid of the animal shelter smell. even trough the place was kept clean and the animals where taken out regularly it still had its own sent that clung to clothing and hair.

Just as was striping off my jeans my phone beeped. It was my mom of corse "you home yet" it read.

My mom was a little overbearing and worried about my relationship with David, she thought it was odd that a sixteen year old was so close with a twenty seven year old. Even though there was nothing romantic between us my mom still blew the whole thing way out of proportion. I rolled my eyes and answered "yeah".

I wasn't close with my mom, the only times she even felt like a mom to me was those rare trips to the movies or hiking, witch was more my thing then it was my moms.

I finished undressing and laid back into the water, letting my hair fan out on the surface.

It was then the uneasy felling creeped over me, and I heard a load "bang" from down stairs. I jumped up out of the tub and quickly dried off and dressed.

Suddenly I wished I had let David stay. Another load "bang" came from somewhere in the back of the house.

I thought about calling the police, but they never caught whoever it was.

For the past four years I've been stalked and tormented by an unknown man who I was sure lived with our neighbors, but the police couldn't find him and said in till they caught him doing something wrong or we got evidence there wasn't anything they could do.

David was one of the few people I had ever told the whole story too, he'd done everything he could to help me. Running off the mysterious Balck truck that showed up a work sometimes, and even trying to help me get a restraining order.

I was probably the only person ever who's mom was a cop and was being stalked by some freak.

Finely by 11 nothing else had happened to so I went to bed and drifted into a restless sleep.

Sam's POV

I'd heard a lot of story's about this little town, very few of them good. Most of it was legend surrounding the local Native Americans, others of it was much more resent story's about cults, and sacrifice rituals. I was fairly sure most where just small town people with nothing better to do talking.

But still if people were spinning story's like that, they did notice things. And in towns like this the new guy always gets all the attention.

I knew it was dangerous coming here and I have no idea why I decided to.

I would be living with my nephew who was going to pose as my uncial, and his little brother Zack.

The only humans who knew what I was.

I realized I had wondered to to the spot where a year ago there had been a car wreak, I had heard it from the woods where I hunting. When I got there the car had flipped down an embankment, the driver was dead when I got there and was beyond even my healing abilities, the passenger was badly hurt and barely alive, but my blood had healed her. I'd saved a few humans from accidents like this in the past but this girl had stuck with me, I think she maybe the reason I came to live here, I think I was hoping I would meet her and get to know her. That had been over a year ago I didn't even know if this girl still lived here or even if she ever had, she may have been just passing though.

I must be losing my mind I was seriously thinking there was a chance I could be with this girl? I don't think that a human and a vampire being together has ever even been attempted in the thousands of years my kind have existed.

it was getting late I needed to get to home before John and Zack got worried.

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