Chapter 5 realization

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Sam's POV

I knocked on her door, it didn't take before I heard her foot steps on the other side.

"come in" she said as the door opened. If only she knew that in most situations those two words would be fatal for her and anyone else who lived in this house.

I came in and sat the geography books I was carrying down on the island in the kitchen.

"Nice house" I commented.

"Thanks, my friend David did a lot of work on it"

"So it's been remodeled"

"Yeah, it was a dump before David fixed it up. We where lucky to have him, he did pretty much all the work for free"

"He sounds like a good friend" I stated.

"He is, my best friend acutely"

I looked around the house as she found her place in the book. There where very few family photos on the walls, and the ones that where there where just of Vickie and her mom and all of them appeared to have been taken after Vickie was older. About twelve or thirteen.

I wondered where all the pictures of her when she was younger where, and why her father wasn't in any of them.

The living room was large with a sunk in floor, the outer edges of the room where lined with love seats, and a big fish tank in one conner. In center was a leather couch, a coffee table, and an older flat screen tv. The floors where wooden, with a few rugs. The walls where painted a plain white.

The kitchen had the same Balck an white theme. The contour tops where all black with white flecks in them, and the floor was tiled in black and white.

I looked out the kitchen window into the drive way. it was a small circle of gravel with only one car parked at the far side of it. it looked like an 80's Fire Bird, with chipped paint, and it didn't look like it had been moved in a long time.

''nice ride'' I said when she noticed me looking at it ''whose is it?'' I asked.

''it was suppose to be mine, but it doesn't have an engine...or tires..and I think mice ate the wiring'' she said sadness in her voice.

''oh, that really sucks. I'm sorry''

''why would be sorry you didn't break the damn thing'' she said break it? Why would someone have broken her car?

''who did..break it I mean?''

''my dad. he was suppose to fix it up and give it to me as a sweet sixteen present but it never happened''

'''how come?'' I asked.

''he left'' she said quietly. something in her voice told me not to press for details so I just said ''I'm really sorry''

she nodded, bitting her lip. I wondered what he dad had done to her to give her that look, and to make her so resistant to talk about him.

the little voice in the back of head whispered ''one touch and you'd know'' that voice could be very dangerous, if I listened to it. If I touched her I could kill her, or worse if I did it once without incident I would want to do it more, take things further with her. Besides that would be an invasion of her privacy. "You could always make her tell you, no touching needed for that" the voice reminded me. Of course I wasn't going to use mind control on her to get her to tell me, but the monster inside me wanted me to.

I knew this little crush I had on her wouldn't be healthy for either of us, I knew I couldn't ever be a lover to her. I wouldn't be anything but a tutor to her, and that wouldn't even last very long. I could feel the sad expression on my face at the thought of never seeing her again.

Vickie Interrupted my thoughts by saying "you know I think I've met you somewhere before the library"

"Yeah I saved your life when you where in a car crash by making you drink my blood" I thought sarcastically.

"The animal shelter, my cousin Zack works there" I told her.

"Oh right, I remember you now" she said looking as if she wanted to kick herself.

Vickie's POV

How could I not remember him from the shelter? I did have a lot on my mind that day, but still!

I looked up at him, wondering if he felt the same pull I felt. " Probably not, why would he?" I hated that voice for saying things like that.

I should just listen to David and see where this leads.

The sad part was no matter how much I wanted to believe David, and no matter how much I trusted him there would always be a part of me that was too scared to let anyone scared of getting hurt to let myself fall in love.

"I think it's a little late to worry about that". For once that annoying, and cynical. But unwaveringly truthful voice said something I wanted to hear!

I was falling in love with Sam.

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