Chapter 3 first meeting

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Vickie POV

''What!'' I asked my mom.

''You heard me. Your teachers say you're failing math, geography, and science. Are you even trying to get good grades?''

''I am but....''

''Don't give me your crap just keep your grades up. If you need a tutor hire one with the money from that job you insisted on getting or get your little boyfriend to pay for it,'' she said coldly.

''I told you David isn't my boyfriend and he's done a lot to help out. You should try being nicer for once!'' I yelled at her storming to my room.

I didn't come down to dinner and my mom didn't come to my room to talk to me either. We got into fights like this a lot but they always seemed to blow over.

The next morning was my day off from work so I just hung out at home. My mom was still home when I went downstairs; she didn't say good morning or I'm sorry.

Finally she said ''Your Aunt Martha is going to come stay with us for a week.''

I had always hated my Aunt Martha. She was one of those people who thought she was better than everyone else and she thought I was a freak and was critical of everything I did.

''Then I'm not staying here,'' I told my mom curtly.

''What? Where are you going to go?''

''I don't know. Grandma's maybe or David's place.''

''What? You are staying with him?''

''Watch me!'' I yelled at her and went upstairs taking my phone out of my back pocket.

I dialed David's number and he picked up on the second ring.


''Hey it's Vickie.''

''Is everything alright?''

''Yeah it's just my mom invited my aunt whom I can't stand to stay at my house for week so can I come stay with you?''

''Yeah sure. When do you want to come get you?''

''Now if you can.''

''Be there in fifteen minutes,'' he said hanging up.

David was a good friend. His mom whom I have met a few times says it's because he misses having little sisters to take care of so he made me into a new little sister.

I packed some clothes and toilettes in a duffle bag watching out the window for the familiar red Honda to pull up.

Sam's POV.

Finding her address hadn't been hard although I felt a little like a stalker watching her house but I had to know her.

I knew she didn't have to work today so would she be spending the day at home? I knew she got into a fight with her mother last night.

I wondered if problems at home were a regular thing for her and if she had a dad. I hadn't seen anyone but her and her mom so where was her dad? Dead or away on business?

I would have to find away to get to know her personally without putting her in danger.

Then it hit me. Her and her mother were arguing about her grades. Maybe I could tutor her.

Just then an old beat up red Honda pulled in the driveway. The guy from the animal shelter, David, was behind the wheel. Is he really her boyfriend? I shouldn't care either way since it wasn't healthy for me or Vickie that I was doing this. Not only was it unhealthy it was illegal. I was stalking her.

Even though every bit of me that was still sane and human told me not to I followed the car.

I knew it was wrong to hang around the bushes behind her friend's house and listen in on their private conversations but I needed more background on her. I needed to know her history.

She stayed with her friend for a few more days and then went home. This David guy seemed to really care about her but I hadn't gotten any indication that they were together romantically. They slept in separate rooms and didn't touch each other hardly at all.

Vickie's POV

It had been three days since I'd left David's house. I decided I should try and find a tutor so I put an ad at the library hoping that someone would come through.

I decided to hang around at the library for a little while so my mom would think I stayed to study. I did have a library card although I'd never used it for anything apart from breaking into my own house when I forgot my keys.

I sat down on one of the oversized leather couches for a while until the librarian stated glaring at me. I then wandered aimlessly through the shelves of books not really looking for anything.

Then a book fell from about six feet up the shelf and almost hit me in the head. A boy ran around the shelf. ''I'm really sorry about that. The book was stuck so I pulled it out and then this.''

''No it's fine,'' I told him reaching down to grab the book he knocked off the shelf. ''I've had worse,'' I laughed.

As I stood up my eyes met his and I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. I didn't understand why but I couldn't breathe as I looked into his eyes; they were a kind of dark icy blue, they would have been almost creepy if they weren't so kind.

I took in the rest of his appearance; he was lean but muscled and had pale skin, shaggy jet black hair, and a strong jaw. I usually wasn't attracted to random guys like this but there was something about him.

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