Chapter 4 study date

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Davids POV.

when I pulled into her drive way she was waiting for me. witch was a little unusual.

''hey'' she said when she got into the car, her normal greeting. I still found myself keeping an eye on her throughout the day, there was something a little off about her today but I couldn't place what it was.

at lunch I asked her ''so what did you do last night?'' I wondered if she could tell I was fishing.

''nothing really'' she answered with a smile, there was defiantly something up.

''oaky spill!'' I demanded.

''what?'' she asked clearly faking surprise.

''you know what, why are you acting weird''

''okay, but if you ever repeat this I will kill you! understand'' I nodded ''I met a guy last night''

''what? where?''

''the library'' I raised my eye brows at that.

''you hate school, and studying, and pretty much every thing else you can do in a library''

''yeah but my mom is making me get a tutor so I went there to put up an ad and pretend to study and this guy knocked some books down and I helped him pick them up, and we got talking'' she explained.

"That's great! It's about time! So when are you seeing him again?"

"Tonight, he's helping me with geography"

"So it's like a date?"

"A study date, that's it"

"How do you know that's it? Some people would say if he's helping you he likes you"

"Well some people would say that you must like me because you fix up my house for free" she stated.

"I do like you, just not romantically, and its not for free you babysit for me remember?" she rolled her eyes as an answer.

Vickie's POV

Well I spilled to David, so much for me deciding not to tell anyone, although it really shouldn't surprise me that I told him. David and I really didn't have any secrets, that was the nice thing about having a friend whose a little older then you. They're more mature and less likely to gossip to everyone about you.

That was the main reason why I went to school online, because I didn't have to deal with people.

I only liked a limited number of people in the world so it felt like some kind of miracle that I met Sam, even though I really wasn't a believer it still felt like something spacial.

"What if he doesn't feel the same, what if he turns out to be just like the other guys?" Asked the annoying and sometimes a little cynical voice in the back of my head, I realized I trusted that voice a little too much and I should break that habit. It really wasn't good for me.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was one o-clock, time to leave. I grabbed my bag and headed to find David, he would always be waiting the garage for me. The garage wasn't used for cars, half for it was the shelters personal laundry mat with washers and dryers that had been donated, and shelves for blankets: the other half was a break area for the employees with a table, a microwave, a small fridge, and coffee maker.

David was siting at table, his keys in front of him as always. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I answered.

The car ride was quite as usual, David like me didn't feel the need to fill every silence with meaningless chatter. That was one of the things I liked most about him.

Sam said he would be at my house at two, I wondered if he went to school for a moment and then like most girls my mind went to what I was going to wear. I didn't have anything fancy, I hated dressing up and my job didn't call for it so why would I waste money on dressy clothing? I would have to settle for one of my nicer shirts and jeans.

Once home I threw my stuff on the bed and started rummaging through my closet, the whole front of the rack consisted of rock band t-shirts and jeans. I finely settled for a blue button up shirt,black jeans, and usual combat boots.

I redid the knot my hair was in into a nicer bun, and fixed my light makeup from sweating at work today.

And finely locked our four dogs Angel, Lola, Harley, and Sambora in their dog run just in case one of them decided to be unfriendly towards Sam.

Then I heard a knock on the front door, he was here.

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