We Meet Again - Kladora

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This storyline belongs to me and isn't related to the Quiglet one before so please don't get confused! Please enjoy!

Isadora Pov

I inhaled a gust of stale air as I surveyed my surroundings and began walking, my footsteps bouncing off walls.

I was back in the V.F.D tunnels, where everything had started. For my parents, my brother, everyone. It felt so...intruding to be somewhere so silent.

As a V.F.D member, I was always busy, and used the tunnels very frequently. Even now, every time I entered them, I was still surprised by the smell and the sheer silence of the atmosphere. It was like something I couldn't adjust to.

My literary mind thrived on motivation, and down in the tunnels I just couldn't seem to get any ideas or jabs of imagination to begin a poem. It was highly frustrating. Everything seemed so straightforward and ordinary, like nothing could be added to make it more interesting or nothing remarkable could happen in these dusty walls.

But my thoughts proved to be incredibly wrong.

Because heading towards me from the opposite direction, unbeknownst to me yet, was a certain Klaus Baudelaire.

To distract myself from my growing uncomfort from the dim, flickering lights and dark, ominous stains on walls, I reminded myself of my task. 

I had to sneak into Prufrock Prep and steal the files of the detailed history of V.F.D, for V.F.D itself to gain a better understanding. Well when I say V.F.D, I specify Quigley, Duncan and I as we are the last known and active field agents. The rest are uncertain, missing or dead. 

I spotted the sign marked Prufrock Prep and began ascending the rust-stained ladder, brainstorming how I could hide and smuggle the files out of Nero's office or whoever is the Vice-Principal at present. 

As the trapdoor opened with a quiet creak, I rolled back the rug, and after a cautionary scan of the room, I crawled out onto the hard, scratchy carpet. I got to my feet and began walking to the filing cabinet. Rummaging through files, I found the folder I was searching for.

"Bingo." I muttered to myself.

"Of all people, I didn't think I would see you here, Isadora."

I nearly dropped the file, then stood frozen on the spot, my heart pounding. 

It wasn't the nasal voice of Nero, the voice I expected. It was much different. 

It was a voice that pronounced every syllable correctly, a much softer voice, with a much more familiar tone to it.

The voice of Klaus Baudelaire.

"Klaus?" I said hopefully, turning on my heel.

And there he was, with his knitted sweater, collared shirt, ruffled brown hair, crooked glasses and heartfelt smile. Just as he always looked. My heart sparkled a bit.

I beamed at him with the entirety of my world of euphoria upon seeing him.

"Klaus!" I yelled, dropping the file and charging for him, tackling him in a tight embrace.

"Issy! Oh, it's been a millennia!" He exclaimed returning the embrace, fiercely.

"I agree." I replied.

Finally we parted, and our foreheads creased together. 

"Where have you been?!" We cried at each other in unison.

We both reddened. 

"I was escaping the Great Unknown, then sorting out a few secret missions for V.F.D." I recounted.

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