One Day (Hophie)

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Hi, so the inspiration of this Oneshot came from this movie called Here Comes the Grump, I watched it last night. It was pretty trash to be honest (sorry if you like it, that's my opinion) but the princess and the grandson reminded me of Hort and Sophie kinda, except opposite like if Sophie fell in love with Hort first. It came from the scene where she became really depressed so yeah. If you love Hophie and you're super bored one day, you could watch it. You might regret it though.


Clarissa Dovey impatiently drummed her fingernails on the edge of her desk, waiting.

Surrounding her the entire faculty of the School for Good and Evil, mirrored her movements, fidgeting, scratching and tapping their feet waiting to free themselves from her cramped office.

Well, almost the entire faculty.

Only one, blonde-haired professor, was absent.

"The child has time to plan Lunchtime Lectures, a self-centred musical, even plan to "makeover" the School for Evil's castle but she doesn't have time to make it to her own meeting. Pathetic, that's what it is." Professor Dovey muttered under her breath.

After fifteen more minutes Dovey's calm facade cracked.

"Right. Well seeming... Sophie, sorry Dean Sophie cannot make it to her own meeting, I, as her fellow Dean declare this meeting adjourned." 

Mutters of relief echoed across her office as the professors exited the room.

Every professor but one went to their rooms with a will to sleep, tired from the days events and reassured that Sophie was perfectly fine, most likely bathing in a tub of camel milk, in one of her designer, marble-floor bathrooms, slathering a cucumber mask over her face and sipping carrot soda, completely forgetting her commitments and succumbing to relaxants, tempting fingers.

Only one professor went to their room, unnerved and slightly worried, his hands running through his hair. Sophie, despite her nature to dismiss important facts, and put herself above everything, surprisingly never missed professors meetings, not even once.

But despite the odd situation, Hort reassured himself that one of her new face masks probably arrived and she forgot all else. He began preparing for sleep, having a shower, brushing his teeth, and slipping on a comfortable shirt with a bright green frog on it, before freezing. Something hit him.

The professors meeting had been about the results of the vote for whether the School for Evil should have an annual No Ball if they won the Trial by Tale. Sophie would never have missed that! Something terrible must have happened.

Rushing out of his room, he hurriedly closed the door and began his ascent up the tower stairs to the bridge leading to the Schoolmasters Tower. What had happened to her? Had someone kidnapped her? Was she injured? Was she okay?

Adrenaline pumped through his body, making him go faster and faster. In seconds he was at the edge of the bridge and sprinting across it to the door of the tower. He pounded on it, yelling Sophie's name, his face crinkling with concern.

"Hort, go away." A weak voice said in reply.

Hort blanched. That voice.... that voice couldn't be Sophie. Sophie's voice always was full of confidence and disdain when he talked to her.... and that voice was.... pathetic. It sounded like she had no hope for herself and that she'd just, given up. That couldn't be. Sophie just... wasn't like that.

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